Salvini takes a bath in a mafia confiscated pool


Interior Minister Matteo Salvini bathed in the pool of a farm in Suvignano, Monteroni d'Arbia (Siena), confiscated from the mafia in 2007. "Double taste," Salvini commented. Before diving into the water, he asked for a suit, and he had it in military green. Around, out of the pool, photographers and television operators.

In a video posted on Facebook, the head of the Department of the Interior explains his battle: "I hope leave them in underwear which can be removed and put in the availability of the state and citizens, improving the territory on which these goods are found.The fight against the mafia, he added, "will be a priority of mine and government, and I would like to be remembered who with others, he fought organized crime. "

With regard to the agency for the management of confiscated property, Salvini badured that" bureaucratic obstacles will be reduced and that bureaucratic obstacles will be removed. "Salvini found that he found "a lot of protocols, a lot of promises, a lot of commitments" in terms of fighting organized crime, but "I would like to speak with facts" and "all that is good for the fight against organized crime, but State must be protected, we will change system. "The Interior Minister finally announced that once a week he intends to go to places where there are property confiscated from the mafias. "

" For me the fight against the mafia is to remember judges Borsellino, Falcone and Livatino, it's the antimafia of the facts, "Salvini added. The minister went on to add that "someone does an antimafia do it differently". "The mafia is no longer what we once thought, the one with the coppola, now the mafia has arrived everywhere in Italy, it's in business, in hotels, in the economy, look the money – said Salvini – and the jobs of those who are employed in the confiscated businesses must be protected. "

" Mafia and Smugglers : for me, you are the same crap – said Salvini during the live Facebook – I know if a minister can say shit but, for me, the mafia and smugglers are the same shit. The minister took more than 10 minutes and explained directly that he was there "because the state has to show that it is faster and more efficient than the mafia, that it's not a good thing. He creates jobs and must give this legacy to the citizens. You can not take 21 years to make this property to citizens: here the state has won over the mafia, there are 15 thousand badets in Italy that have been confiscated from the mafias and which must be reused in the best way, quickly and well, turning them into schools, nurseries, rest homes, police stations, barracks of carabinieri, in hotels that bring money into the coffers of the Italians ". Salvini pointed out that for example here in Suvignano "there are tourists who pay, there are no fake refugees who come to take a bath in the pool, so there are Italians who keep them, with 35 euros a day to enrich the fake cooperatives. "

The smugglers, the smugglers of migrants, run away – continues Salvini – they understood that we defend our borders, and now they try the last blows, they do not have any business anymore. At present, smugglers load as many people as they can, even on deflated inflatable structures. "The Minister of the Interior added that" in Africa the rumor is spreading that we can no longer liberate ourselves in Italy. "

antimafia facts, many mayors from the countries of Lombardy to Calabria who are intimidated.My next anti-mafia mission will be in Calabria to deliver 8 apartments seized to the 'ndrangheta who will become police station. "Salvini then challenged the opposition: " I say to the left-wing phenomena who say that my political line leads to isolation: in the afternoon, I will hear my Austrian colleague, the German, I will regret the French colleague, to accept the fight against the traffickers of human beings, we are in contact with everyone. back, we have never been so central and heard, in one month we have won the honor, pride and respect in Europe.If three boats a month did not arrive in Italy, this This is because someone in Italy raised their head and had the pride to say no.The Italian ports remain s celled for smugglers. Arrived in Italy who has the right to arrive there, it does not reach us in rubber dinghies but in plane ".

For the Minister of the Interior" l & rsquo; Money is badly spent on smugglers and mafia. With me immigration ceases to be a boon, I say to fake hoteliers and entrepreneurs who have made millions of euros on the skin of the unfortunate, the pacchus is over. Italy is the last country to arrive there. "And again:" Dear Mafia bastards is over pacchia for you too. I hope that there are just hard and harsh judges who condemn the people who deserve it, I thank the police. "Salvini during the live fb, showing the landscape around him, the countryside and the hills Sienese, he then said to the pool behind him: "As it would be nice to swim in the pool of the boss, face the boss: we must here Come children. And the pool in the pool, the head of the league and the Minister of the Interior really does.

Salvini also gives a wink at the information: "Look at the gag on Facebook, they want you to come back. inform you only of radios, television and newspapers, of the type to the Republic, or rather a kiss to the Republic and the Espresso. "Finally:" Idiots, mafia and smugglers: my smile widened, war without quarter, war of good against bad guys and terrorists ".

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