Salvini, the Financial Times: "Threat to the EU more than Trump, risk of Weimar"


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Salvini, the Financial Times: "Threat to the EU more than Trump, risk of Weimar"

Matteo Salvini, like and maybe more than Donald Trump, is a " threat "for the European Union. The Financial Times unites Interior Minister with US President: together they represent "two existential challenges" for Brussels: if the threat posed by Trump, writes Wolfgang Münchau, is "obvious, direct and brutal" Mr. Salvini could be more powerful. "

" What makes Mr Salvini 's threat to the order established by the so powerful EU is his lack of fear, he is the first modern Italian politician without an emotional need for ". to be among the friends in Davos or Brussels, and while the most experienced European leaders have been able to trap the relatively inexperienced Mr Conte, "reads in relation to the recent European Council," the political reality is that Mr Salvini can pulling the coalition "between Lega and M5S" At any time, it will probably wait until after the European elections next year, "says the Financial Times.

The problem for the EU, tells us- one, is related to the fact that the "stability of the Union" depends on people like Salvini and Trump "who have not yet been in power. It is likely to become the Weimar Republic today, a construction adapted only to a temperate political climate. "


" Governing with the M5 is against Pearl League of Nature, just see what's happening in recent weeks: a lot of words and some facts. It is impossible for Salvini to stay with DiMaio, I think it's just coming home, with the center, with Forza Italia and Brothers of Italy. "Antonio Tajani tells Gr Rai what Salvini says for the next elections" I think it's a lot of national propaganda, "says the President of the European Parliament, Forza Italia fights for the rights of citizens as well as In the European Parliament and in the Community institutions I was the Vice-President of the European Commission and I am doing so as President of the Parliament, which is why we are aiming at the reconquest of the European Parliament for the next two and a half years. "

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