Salvini, the goals and limits of the League of Leagues


After filing the season of the Lega North, Matteo Salvini is now aiming to expand his horizon beyond Italy. In fact, since the sacred ground of Pontida, he launched the project of a league league. A sort of list in the name of nationalism with which to turn to Europe next year. A vote, badured the deputy prime minister, which will be "a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and precariousness, and the Europe of peoples and work".

PEN AT WILDERS. Salvini already has some allies in Europe, and not today. First of all the president of the National Marine Rally Le Pen, already "roommate" of Carroccio in Strasbourg in the group Europe of the Nations and Liberties (Enl). On July 2, in an interview granted to Libero The Pen returns to applaud Salvini and the Lega-M5 government, "pioneering sign of the liberation of Europe". A special feeling Salvini is also close with the Dutch Geert Wilders Party for Freedom which with its 20 deputies is the second largest political force in the House. With him and the other populist leaders, from Le Pen to the Alternative Alternative Alternative for Deutschland Frauke Petry, the secretary of the League was immortalized in Koblenz, Germany, in January 2017.

In Austria, the League is joined by Heinz Christian Strache's Fpö (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs) . Heir to Jorg Heider, who turned away from the party in 2005, Strache at the last general election won 26% of the vice presidency. On June 20, the leader of the FPO, along with his party colleague and Minister of the Interior, Herbet Kickl, launched an "alliance of volunteers to protect Europe from those who want to enter". "We want to promote this strategy in collaboration with Italy," added Strache, "in order to regain the trust of the people." A commitment sealed by the ritual selfie

Another good agreement Salvini claims it with the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, with whom he confirmed that he wants to work for "changing the rules of this European Union". Hungary is also the leader of the Visegrad group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia), which refuses the laws on flows and demands greater control over migration policies

AFD ASSIST. Assuredly, the Italian Minister of the Interior welcomes the sympathy of the representatives of the Alternative für Deutschland (Afd). "Those with whom we want to work call Heinz-Christian Strache, Sebastian Kurz, Matteo Salvini and even Viktor Orban," said June 30, Augusta Jörg Meuthen, a member of the far-right party gathered at the meeting. Congress. "With these comrade fighters we can build the new Europe".

New Europe or not, the project of the "League of Leagues" is not new, stresses L43 Marco Zanni, European deputy of the group ENL. But now it is taking shape "by exploiting the wave of electoral consent". Beyond the members of the group, Le Pen in the lead, the targets Salvini now has the air are "conservatives of the ERC" which also includes the law and justice of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and "the Efdd group" in which they live in the five stars. Two targets are particularly attractive because, Zanni continues, "with the release of British representatives, many in both groups, some delegations may decide more easily to join other realities."

OROGAN INCOGNITA. A different speech must be made for Orban. "Being part of the PPE is difficult to predict its entry into our bed," says Zanni. Much will depend on the results of people in the next election. But especially figures that will succeed in badembling the Salvinian front. The goal, says Zanni, "is to come to influence the European institutions, with the expression of the zone commissioners".

LABORATORIO ITALIA. But one thing is certain. Italy is considered a laboratory. "Among the founding countries, we are the first to have a populist and eurosceptic government," confirms Zanni. "Also the perception that Salvini and in general of our group in Brussels has changed.If previously the other leaders were hesitant to talk to us today, they are looking for us, and who refused the dialogue has now smoothed his position while maintaining the political distance. "In short, now" we are interlocutors with whom we must dialogue "

But, beyond the scenic language, is it really possible to have an alliance between the parties Souanistes "In Europe, there are policies that can not be managed by a member country, a macro-region or groups of regions", explains to L43 Luciano Monti, Professor of Union Policy Luiss of Rome. "And among these are the migratory flows and the tariff battles." Themes, among others, that have been mounted by the Carroccio and other populist parties.Not just that. the idea that everyone does their own thing t a step back in the past, "says Monti. "It recalls an autarchic vision that belongs to the last century. With the level of interpenetration between European economies and globalization, it is unthinkable to return to Spinelli before. "

EUROPE? A BAD BERAGLIO The populist parties, the professor continues, interpret the widespread fear that stems precisely from globalization, an irreversible process.The claims advanced – from the hostage of the big multinationals to the disappearance of the middle clbad – are understandable and legitimate But there is no need to point the finger at Europe: the target is wrong Monti technically also feeds some doubts about a possible front between the sovranist parties Take the Visegrad countries which Salvini is watching closely: they are vetoing the relocation of migrants that Italy is asking for. "It is against the nature of sovereignism to make transnational alliances," says the professor. first, the Hungarians, the French first: to find a point of understanding apart from the respective propaganda seems a difficult undertaking. [19659002] LOOKING FOR A MINIMUM COMMITTEE DENOMINATOR. For Zanni, on the other hand, the differences of vision between the different populist souls do not constitute an obstacle. "On some issues, it is difficult to find a minimum common denominator," admits the MEP. "And there is a difference on the issue of refugee resettlement, but Eastern and Southern European countries are in agreement to strengthen the external borders. And if the arrival node is resolved, by processing asylum requests outside the EU, then the problem does not arise. "

But the real point is another one . And it is that the real game in Europe is played with "intergovernmental" alliances, insists Monti. Beat the shots and make a big voice in Brussels does not help much. "Nobody noticed at the last summit of the EU, while the agreement on migrants was solved in a vacuum, the next day at the top of the euro area has quietly pbaded the recognition favorable of the Franco-German proposal ", emphasizes the professor, in other words: the results, the real ones, are obtained by sitting down at a table

THE NODE OF THE EUROPEAN FUNDS. "Ideas and proposals must be viewed with caution, respecting the times," Monti repeats, and this applies not only to immigration but also to the social difficulties that led these parties to achieve success. And do not think that the two aspects are not related, indeed … An example? For those who argue that Europe is only a burden that asks and gives nothing, it should be remembered that "the resources are there," says Monti, "just know com spend it. Ask for more money if you have not spent those positions that were already weakening. "

WITH THE ELM IN THE HEAD NOT COME TO ALL. Italy is champion." In the last three years, we have spent only 9% of the funds available for us. It is understandable that citizens do not perceive Europe or live it only negatively. "An example As of December 31, 2017, Sicily had spent only 16 million of the 4.5 billion available ERDF funds for the period 2014-2020: less than 0.5% but even Veneto and Lombardy, strongholds of the League with much healthier budgets, are not distinguished.The first had only 2% of the ERDF, then that the second was about 8%. "The EU will also have cervellotic procedures and a lot to improve, but the fact of not knowing how to use the money at our disposal leads to a bad perception ", concludes Monti.Before leaving with the helmet in mind, threatening to renegotiate everything without getting anything or get along with elefantiaci time, it might be best to learn how to use what we have at our disposal In addition to the decree of dignity, under discussion in Con Ministers, a kind of "dignity of expenditure" would also be necessary.

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