Salvini: "The rapist of Reggio Emilia is an asylum seeker"


REGGIO EMILIA – "A girl raped Sunday in Reggio Emilia, has stopped a request for Ukrainian asylum of 26 years". Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announces it on Facebook, which then expresses his "compliments to the state police". "For the left – adds Salvini on Fb – our line would be" too difficult "Wrong, we will be too weak laws: Italy's EIA illegal immigrants, VIA any form of protection to those who stain with these disgusting crimes!" .

The 24-year-old was taking a walk at night when she was badaulted behind her, pushed onto a bush and raped. After the rape, the man was hidden in a makeshift shelter, in a rural and secluded area. He was identified in the night. The decree was awaiting refugee status and was not censored; has a job, "but it's certainly a troubled personality, who has lived partly with friends and relatives and partly on the street, even in the surroundings where the event occurred", explains the commissioner Antonio Sbordone . The mobile team identified him with clothes, a red shirt found in his bivouac.

The Mayor of Reggio, Luca Vecchi (Pd), comments: "We believe that, if the legal conditions exist, the subject in question should be expelled with immediate effect from our country". "By reiterating the feelings of closeness and solidarity with the victim, the municipality of Reggio Emilia – Vecchi adds – seeking the utmost severity of judgment against this hateful conduct has given a mandate to his legal department to badess the possibility of forming a party "

In the afternoon, Minister Matteo Salvini again used the network to denounce" ASILO REQUESTER, an African from Mali, arrested by the police of Piacenza for SEXUAL VIOLENCE on a 9-year-old girl . years … What disgusting. " "Of course, I will do everything so that this" gentleman "will return to his country as soon as possible!", He added.

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