Salvini warns: "The mafia and the smugglers are warned: your time is up" (video)


He made his compliments to Luigi Di Maio for his Decree of Dignity, object of criticism and not some distinctions from the left and center: "It is the confirmation that the government is pbading words to deeds" , comments the Minister of Interior, Matteo Salvini, meeting journalists in Monteroni d'Arbia (Siena) where he visited the farm of Suvignano, a property permanently confiscated at the mafia in 2007 . One more word about the decree that makes so many discussions: "If I have to make a wish – Salvini added – it is that Parliament works for companies like this, for seasonal work, reintroduce the system. coupons without risk of black work incentives. "But the minister's speech is aimed at fighting crime, mafias of all kinds, smugglers first." Mafia and smugglers to me, you're the same shit.I do not know if a minister can say shit.It must be clear that in Italy you have finished doing business, the paci for you is over. "C & # 39; is the post on his Facebook page

Salvini: "I hope to leave them in my underwear"

A rough but effective "synthesis" of the meaning of his speech. "I hope leave these gentlemen in underwear, grabbing everything that can be removed and put in the availability of the "State and citizens, improving the territory on which these goods are found," warning that the fight against the mafia will be a priority Minister, but also the entire government Lega M5S. "I would like to be remembered as someone who fought organized crime with others." Regarding the agency for the management of confiscated property, the minister stressed that it will be strengthened, streamlined and bureaucratic obstacles will be removed. "If any of these criminals look at me, my message is that the Camorra bastards and the mafia in Italy will no longer have an easy life. The fight is without a quarter . really defeated, "reiterates the Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, in an interview with RaiNews.24 To those who remember the words of the boss Totò Riina, who repeated that the mafia proliferated through the Salvini replies: "Time has changed, I am going to say everything", insisting also on the property confiscated from the mafias, "We must be faster and more incisive."

But mafiosi let us be clear, it is also the intelligence that benefits the lives of the desperate. "The smugglers, the smugglers of migrants" are missing, they understood that we are defending our borders. the latest successes, they do not have any more business. "Salvini has also stated that the evidence of these backshots is that "now the smugglers charge as many people that & # 39; they may even on canoes inflated", causing casualties. Although contrary to what is claimed, the number of victims at sea has decreased by 80%, "even for the work of those who were there before.In Africa, the rumor spreads that Italy can no longer be "Free" The goal is to arrive at zero starts and therefore zero casualties.We will not take 15 days to succeed for this purpose, but we will succeed. "

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