Salvini wins the communication match on migrants


For several months, a strong anti-migrant wind has risen in this great sea. The hoax of the plot of photomontage on the dead migrants used against the NGOs is that the drop of rain. water in this poisoned sea.

The feeling of many Italian Internet users is confused with the aggressive language and the conspiracy theories of the sovereignists led by Matteo Salvini. Over time, the league leader has managed to create a large online community, represented by Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and online newspapers, identified around anti-immigration issues. Those who initially were on the web that very noisy minorities, thanks to the ability of social media to amplify the message, have managed to make prevailing sovereignist belief in the digital public opinion.

A research carried out in the USA by Pew research internet The project has highlighted that the use of the main social networks (Facebook and Twitter) encourages users to flatten out the most "viral" opinions . If a user perceives to have a minority opinion, compared to the network of his contacts, he decides not to express it in percentages higher than in real life. This happens both because the users do not want to disappoint their friends, but also because the users do not want to leave digital traces of their minority opinions, because they fear that it may harm them in the future. Thanks to this "spiral of silence", groups organized via Facebook pages and bots created on Twitter can send the sovereign message to the majority.

The latest Italian news stories that have seen protagonist Matteo Salvini go in this direction. After defining a "cruise" of the trip to Aquarius and talking about the Roma census, these themes became the main topic of discussion on Twitter. The badysis of feelings of #crociera and #censimento gives us a polarized public opinion on two fronts. Indeed, users' messages against Salvini's statements (6.1% of the total), which defines "cruise" as a hopeless trip, are balanced on an equal footing by tweets (6.1%) of sharing to the expression used by the League Leader

If you really escape the war as your idiots believe, then it is almost a #crociera
Since they do not flee a war, this bad trip in which they are wrong Come aboard for your own fault, it's hell …
Bastards cursed from the left …

– No to the social centers (@Nocentrisociali) 15 June 2018

The same trend comes back on #censimento: here too the tweets against the Roma record (3% of the total) are equal to those who strongly support the disposition designed by Matteo Salvini (3%).

Other than #census of #Rom
It would take a change of course: we should take children away from those who use them to beg and steal
Violates the rights of the man who marries his daughters at age 14, typical Roma custom
They should not be discriminated against. It must be said that they live according to the rules of the state

– Kawtar Barghout (@BarghoutKawtar) 19 June 2018

In the cases just mentioned, everything is studied in detail: the propaganda tones and rhetoric of the slogans are fused with a structured campaign on social media . The result is an explosive mixture: Matteo Salvini arouses his anti-immigration troops, very strong especially on the net, to increase the scope of the sovereign message and increase his consent

Fixed on the fanpage of the leader of the Northern League, become leader on Facebook more followed in Europe with 2.6 million followers, there is the famous message #chiudiamoiporti. This message was the most viral of Matteo Salvini with more than 223,000 likes, 44,000 shares and 38,000 comments. Impressive figures, which are worth in terms of user involvement on the network, much more than articles and editorials published in the national press. In other words, thanks to his social messages, Matteo Salvini manages to be more read and shared on the network of any other national newspaper. In this great media bubble, there is obviously nothing to leave to chance. Among the Facebook groups belonging to the Salvinian community, Prima the Italians (more than 50,000 followers) continuously publishes messages in which haggling is described, through conspiracy theories, as the representation of the secret affairs of onus to the balance of international finance

It is not by chance that on the same fan page of Matteo Salvini, these theories were relaunched through a very viral video (more than 450 thousand views) entitled "Here is the secret plan of Soros to finance the Expected mbadive invasion ".

The anti-immigration communication network, followed by more than 4 million people, acquires the characteristics of an all-new dedicated to migrants, in which these are represented as the main problem in Italy. We are talking about a daily press review of all events in which a migrant is involved in a negative key, but also news about the alleged costs that the Italian state would support for these people instead of for them. Italians. The system on which these communities are based is powered by hundreds of robots and trolls used to revive pro-Salvini slogans such as #noeuro, #primagliitaliani, #stopinvasione on Twitter.

What happened with the last disembarked landings seems to come back to surprise what happened with the Macerata facts. Even in this case, Luca Traini's attack against migrants did not trigger a feeling of indignation against xenophobic rhetoric, but, thanks to a direction studied at a table, divided users Italian numerals in two opposite blocks. One of them, predominant and certainly organized, used the gesture of Traini and the port block imposed by Salvini to revive the themes of sovereign right in the network

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