Salvini's circular to prefects on asylum seekers, faster examination, closer links


Revenue from the asylum. In a circular addressed to the prefects and the chairpersons of the commissions for the recognition of international protection, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, calls to speed up the examination of petitions and to close the granting of humanitarian residence permit, the most granted (this year has increased to 28%) and for which the commissions are invited to the "necessary rigor of the examination of vulnerabilities worthy of protection".

According to the Republic, which saw the text of the circular, In particular, women and children facing spectacular sea crossings will be particularly affected. Humanitarian protection, in fact, is a kind of light asylum law that is granted for two years (renewable) under established conditions of humanitarian difficulty.

The Republic therefore reports the words of the Minister:

"The residence permit for humanitarian reasons, it was granted – writes Salvini – in various situations related, for example, to the state of health, to maternity, the minor age, the tragic personal experience, the difficulties of the trip to Italy, prolonged stay in Libya, to become an instrument of gratifying integration. "

" This practice – continues the minister – led to the granting of a residence permit to a large number of people who, also under the European Union Law on the right to asylum , did not have the necessary conditions for international protection at the time of entry of our country and that, now, they remain in the territory with difficulties to over the consecutive social problems that in everyday life , also imply safety reasons. "

" At this point in, I intend to draw the attention of the colleges on the recognition of the right to asylum on the rigorous necessity to examine the circumstances of vulnerability protection which obviously can not be reduced to simple and general conditions of the difficulty. "

Salvini – always writing Repubblica – recalls a phrase of the Supreme Court which indicates in" serious reasons "the reason for granting permits.And he defines them as such when they present" the conditions of departure for the deprivation or violation of human rights in the country of origin. "It is not enough, insists the head of the League," the mere finding of criticism, although obvious and "

The Interior Minister, however, denies rumors." Pregnant women, children and refugees remain in Italy: misinformed people who say and write the opposite are ashamed, "says Salvini. "The sense of initiative – explains the minister – is to limit an abuse that is detrimental to true refugees, out of 43 thousand issues examined, refugees are 7% while subsidiary protection reaches 5. Then we have humanitarian protection which, on the pier, it is reserved for the limited and residual cases of people who, although they do not flee the war, need protection, but they represent 28% of cases that reach 40 with calls, tens of thousands of people. And often they become the legitimacy of illegal immigration. "

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