Sanit, Governor Pittella's System: Recommendations of Deputy Ministers and Deputy Ministers


The former machina of an illicit management system for appointments and public competitions of Basilicata. the role of Marcello Pittella, the governor of the Pd of the Basilicata Region, the Renaissance iron that the party intends to reapply to the next regional consultations, finished under house arrest. The investigation of the Procura di Matera concerns 34 suspects accused, for various reasons, of lies and abuse of power. The issue is the manipulation of competition in the regional health system. The investigations began about a year and a half ago as a result of the exposure of an employee of a company providing services.

"Deus ex car" of the institutional distortion

In the order in which he stopped for the governor of Basilicata, the gip of Matera Angela Rosa Nettis writes that the deus ex machina of this institutional distortion in lucane just the governor of the Basilicata Region, Pittella Maurizio Marcello Claudio, called Marcello, who does not limit himself to fulfilling the institutional function in formulating the acts of political orientation for the improvement and the l & # 39; effectiveness of the regional health system, but also influences the management decisions of health and hospital organizations Lucan, directly interfacing with their directors general, who, to highlight it, were all appointed (…) Governor Pittella's decrees

Civil Service Corruption and Servo System

Fiamme Gialle's investigation allegedly found a system of corruption and of enslaving the public service to the interests of a part of individual criminals at the request of a multitude of applauding expressions of the apical public authorities. Lovers who interact with each other in a reciprocal exchange of illegitimate demands and promises or undue gifts. The ratio that moves and in the center of this system, always writes the judge of instruction, always the same: that is to say politics in its negative and distorted sense more and more unknown, either in the service of the realization of the collective good of profit of power and social conditioning.

The recommendations of the former deputy minister Filippo

In the records of the investigation, it is discovered that the recommendations to Pittella also come from the deputy minister and former deputy secretary of 39, then with the Renzi government, Vito De Filippo. In the documents we read of an intercepted conversation at 12:16 of 27.05.2017 and between the Director General Pietro Quinto dell Asm (Health Authority Matera, ed) and the Deputy Minister of Education at the time of the ongoing investigations, De Filippo, during which Quinto justified his insistence on responding to a recommendation in favor of the sister of the secretary of the bishop of Matera, Father Angelo Gallitelli (competitor in the selection organized by the University of Basilicata for admission to the realization of specialization for educational support activities for students with disabilities in primary school), representing that some things do it for their own good and that "a few words spend it", thus submitting to a plausible return as reasonably possible electoral consensus

The hypotheses requested by the former Deputy Minister Bubbico

The documents underline Also pre warnings of former Deputy Minister Filippo Bubbico. The examining magistrate writes: the case of the reports sent by the then Deputy Minister Bubbico concerning the recruitment of two units to the competition for the selection of eight administrative badistants

The solicitations of the deputy Gaetano Piepoli

The judge also illustrates suspicious requests from MP Gaetano Piepoli. the case of the requests of the deputy Gaetano Piepoli asking for help for the insertion of his son archaeologist specializing in medieval history at the Matera 2019 Foundation; Immediately in exchange, he gets the interest of the parliamentarian to have his son Quintus Joseph as trainee in the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Bari badigned to dr. Emanuele De Maria, thanks also to the intervention of Dr. Angela Tomasicchio in service to this power of attorney as a substitute.

The involvement of the Matera Paolo Sirna Police Headquarters

In the list of alleged claims there is also the Matera Questore, Paolo Sirna, who intercedes to report a candidate of his compatriot, Bengala Salvatore , participating in the contest for the recruitment of 71 drivers to be hired for service 118, but without the requirements of the selection procedure and self-certified, only thanks to the competence pbaded on to the ASP of subsequent auditing power prodromiche in the hypothesis in undetermined time, and in particular the verifications on the absence of previous penalties and expenses pending, she fell from the final merit ranking of the same competition.

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