Sanremo Giovani announced the 24 singing finalists


Announced by the artistic director Claudio Baglioni the 24 participants in Sanremo Giovani, broadcast on December 20th and 21st on Rai 1 with the direction of Pippo Baudo and Fabio Rovazzi. The two winners will participate in the big edition of the festival scheduled for February 2019. Here is the complete list: Einar Ortiz, La Rua, Mahmood, Andrea Biagioni, Ros, Abbot Federica, Fosco 17, The Mineral, Francesca Miola, Marte Marasco, Roberto Saita, Wepro, Cordio, Symo, Diego Conti, Fedrix & Flow, Sisma, Cinnamon, The Zero, Laura Ciriaco, Deschema, Mescalina, Giulia Mutti, Nyvinne. Baglioni commented on the selection: "Among the 24 young people we chose
for Sanremo Giovani, the different disciplines are represented
music. It's the real youth festival. It was an excellent choice, we thought about it
so much and I did not sleep at night. To those who are not
been chosen, I remember that they told me that I would not be in
able to do anything in the music ".

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