Scary fire in the industrial zone, very high flames and toxic smoke / PHOTO / VIDEO


Colle Val d Elsa (Siena), July 3, 2018 – A major fire develops in the industrial area of San Marzial and in the company of the demolition of Mbadimo Rugi, President of the 39, Colligiana Colle Val's football team from Elsa. The flames developed during normal processing of the shredded deposit. Still to determine the causes of fire.

HIGHEST FLAMES: click here for video

Contrary to rumors about a casualty, firefighters officially announced that there was no deceased. Due to the high temperatures resulting from the fire two firefighters were badigned to 118 health personnel, but their conditions did not cause any problems. On the contrary: they are soon operational again and therefore in good condition

  Fire in the industrial area of ​​Colle Val d  Elsa "data-img =" / polopoly_fs / 1.4015442! /httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/ wide_680 / image.jpg "data-img- alt =" Fire in the industrial area of ​​Colle Val d  Elsa "img- thumb =" / polopoly_fs / 1.4015442! /httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/wide_325/image.jpg "data-polopoly-id =" 1.4015442 "data-shortcode =" true "data type =" picture "polopoly: contentfilepath =" /httpImage/image.jpg_gen/ derivatives / wide_325 / image.jpg "polopoly: contentid =" 1.4015442 "src ="!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/wide_325 /image.jpg "title =" Fire in the industrial area of ​​Colle Val d  Elsa "/> </p>
<p>  The fire is still going on, there is a very high column of smoke: it is toxic – because it's good a part Burnt material is plastic – but luckily the wind ripped out of the city.The road was closed to traffic. </p>
<p>  Firemen work to extinguish the flames. <strong> Prato </strong> oil tanker of 14 thousand liters also started </p>
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