Scholarship: Europain upside down – Economy


The European Grants bounce back and toast to the stability of the German government after fears of a political crisis on the subject of migrants. The lists of the Old Continent do not seem affected by the fears of the arrival of the duties imposed by the United States on 34 billion dollars of Chinese goods. The euro on the dollar continues at 1.673 in London. The Stoxx 600 zone index gains 0.4%. Good Frankfurt (+ 0.6%), Madrid and Paris (+ 0.4%) and London (+ 0.1%)

The Milan Stock Exchange recovered after a slight decline after the beginning of the session. The Ftse Mib gains 1.3% to 21.702 points, with the rise of banks. The gap between the construction industry and the Bund dropped to 229 basis points, the 10-year Italian rate setting at 2.61%. In Piazza Affari, they fly Prysmian (+ 3.7%) and Leonardo (+ 3.2%). Among the banks, Banco Bpm is in progress (+ 3%), after the announcement of the interest of 7 consortiums for the npl package and the platform. Banca Generali and Mediobanca (+ 2%), Fineco and Unicredit (+ 1.8%), Intesa (+ 1.6%) and Bper (+ 1.5%) also performed well. In positive TIM (+ 1.9%), after the strategic agreement with the main suppliers of the TLC sector, while Mediaset is weak (-0.2%). It is also worth noting oil stocks with Eni (+ 1.5%), Italgas (+ 1.4%), Snam (+ 1%) and Saipem (+ 0.2%). In slight Italiaonline (+ 2.6%), after the agreement that turns layoffs into redundancies. Bene Fca and Cnh (+ 0.5%) and Ferrari (+ 0.7%). At the end of the Recordati price list (-3.6%), which is in line with the price of the fund Cvc.


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