School performance in Italy does not depend on social class: they are worth more motivations and type of school


Michele Serra, journalist of La Repubblica

Remember the words of the journalist Michele Serra on "La Repubblica" of April 20 according to which social clbad would weigh very little on academic performance, with all the controversy that has resulted? Now, there is a research that would show exactly the opposite, it is precisely in Italy that the talent of the students is not directly proportional to the social clbad and the money of the family. While Michele Serra's reasoning would be legal in other countries, such as Australia, France, Britain, Spain and the United States


Based on a research conducted by Milan Polytechnic and Lancaster University – who went to compare the mathematical results of the 2015 PISA test of fifteen-year-old students from nine countries (in addition to those mentioned Japan, Canada and Germany), in our peninsula would count more personal motivation and the education of their parents

In Balpaese also anxiety management and cooperation with comrades are worth the trouble

The study therefore shows that in Italy the socio-economic index of students is not among the most important to predict academic performance, while the personal motivation of the Student, anxiety management, co-op trend with clbadmates, the similarity of cultural material in the family (books, scientific journals, trips to museums) and the level of education of parents

  In the midst of news

Still in Italy, the performance It also depends a lot on the school you attend.

Much depends on grouping in different schools

Still on the basis of the results, 41% of the variability of students' academic performance is explained by their grouping in the different schools. schools unlike in other countries, especially in Spain where the difference is 8%

In Japan, France, Canada and Germany, the most important variable is the size : better results

The study conducted with innovative statistical techniques

To carry out research, innovative statistical techniques and machine learning techniques were used with can be seen – a Politecnico reads – which can be applied to school systems around the world with different structures and extrapolate what aspects of student life and school situations that affect the performance and performance of students, or schools respectively. "

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