Scontro Salvini and President Inps Boeri: "Only a phenomenon, there will be changes"


ROME, 3 JULY – More clashes and discussions for Matteo Salvini on the subject of migrants. This time, the interlocutor is Tito Boeri, president of the INPS. The message with which Salvini warns Boeri of the change at the top of the National Institute of Social Security comes a few days after the president's speech at the Labor Festival.

On 29 June, Tito Boeri reaffirmed the concept of the need for migrants in Italy, saying that "the pension system is not able to adapt to the decline of taxpayers" linked to the decrease in births in Italy. "The problem is very serious and immediate – he explained – immigration willy-nilly can give us a way to handle this difficult demographic transition." Regular immigrants allow us to have significant contribution streams. "

appeared as a warning to Boeri himself, who will probably no longer be president of the INPS." The positive, clean immigration, which brings ideas, energy and Respect is welcome, my problem is that of the delinquents, like the one who killed a 77 year old Italian, Sessa Aurunca, struck by one of these "resources". we should pay pensions, because there are still phenomena, I also think of the president of the INPS, who says that without immigration is a disaster, but there will be a lot to change in these public facilities .

Tomorrow will be presented the annual report of the National Insurance Institute, which will also attend Luigi Di Maio. The appointment of President Inps is the responsibility of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Labor Di Maio, by mutual agreement with the Minister of Economy.

Federico De Simone

Source of the image: ilfattoquotidiano

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