Sea Watch detained in Malta


Yet another case that invests NGOs. After the Italian decision to close the ports to all humanitarian organizations, following Malta's investigation of Lifeline Mission and the arrest of the ship's captain, another tile is now arriving on humanitarian ships. According to what the NGO advertises on his Twitter profile, it is the Sea Watch the German Association

" At the request to leave the port – one reads yes the social profiles – we learn that the ship is detained.The port authority does not provide any technical-legal reasons.We receive it as a deliberate restriction of our freedom to prevent the activity of rescue ". Pia Klemp, captain of Sea-Watch 3: "Our ship is properly registered and has the right to fly the Dutch flag. We would be the best equipped and trained rescue team in the area of ​​operation. We do not expect the authorities to allow us to sail immediately. "

Nowadays we need a bad air for the Ong of the Mediterranean, the leap forward of the Italian Minister of the Interior, who decided to ban the landing in the Belpaese to humanitarian ships (both for the landing of migrants and for technical airports) moved the waters throughout Europe.But the Aquarius of Sos Mediterranean and Msf was forced to surrender in Spain to bring down more than 600 immigrants on the ground.Then Mission Lifeline stayed off Malta before receiving permission from Valletta to enter the port (and its commander investigated for having "Ignored the instructions given by the Italian authorities in accordance with international rules") [19659002] Sea Watch is known to have "supported" several times at sea with the Marina di Tripoli As when, in October 2017, the Libyan Coast Guard has accused the NGOs have put it aside to prevent the rescue of some immigrants who, obviously, would have been brought back. "The crew of Ras Jadir started to recover the migrants, but the people of Sea Watch were placed at ten meters despite the repeated requests of the commander to collaborate," explained to Giornale the captain of the ship Abujela. Abdelbari. "Illegal migrants obviously want to go to Italy and not return to Libya, and the proximity of the NGO boat has caused disaster, and dozens have even plunged at the risk of drowning."

Sea-Watch hobbled leave port – Cpt. Pia Klemp: "While we are prevented from the port, people are drowning." NyzabSTtBD

– Sea-Watch (@seawatchcrew) 2 July 2018

In a statement published on its website, Sea Watch can not no reason for arrest. " Sea-Watch 3 not being registered in the sport boat register, as in the case of Lifeline and Seefuchs – but it is listed in the navigation register as a Dutch navigation vessel, allowed to fly the Dutch flag, the lack of Malta's navigation license turns out not to be a problem of registration, but a political campaign to stop the civil rescue at sea ". And, remembering the dead at sea these days, the German NGO " urges the Maltese government not to hinder rescuers, since human lives are at risk ", since " Sea-Watch 3 is well equipped and ready to sail ". The badociation accuses European leaders of having reached, during the Migrants Summit last week, "an inhuman agreement" to "put border control over the rights of the people". man ". " Governments – Attacks by Sea-Watch Chairman Johannes Bayer – Prevent Rescuers from Carrying Out Their Life-Saving Jobs " Commander Pia Klemp echoes it: " While we are prevented from leaving the port, people are drowning, it is absolutely unacceptable.All other deaths at sea are on the account of those who prevent the rescue. Will they want before Europe, once again, realizes that saving lives at sea must remain non-negotiable? ".

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