Security in the House passes with 396 yes and 99 no


Final approval: it is the law


The Chamber of Deputies definitely approves the security decree. After gathering the vote of confidence yesterday, the provision was transmitted today to Montecitorio with 396 yes, 99 no. The text is now the law.

Count: made another piece of program
"The decree on security has been definitely approved by the Chamber of Deputies, another element of the government contract has been implemented, we have made specific commitments to the Italians and we will continue to respect them." Giuseppe, President of the Council Tale, written on Twitter after the final vote of the House.

Salvini: memorable day
"I am very happy, a memorable day". Thus, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, commented the green light to the security dl. "I am happy – he added – very satisfied that some veterans of the left have remained convinced that illegal immigration is not a problem, that security is a good thing, even if it is appropriate for everything. the world".

Cecchetti, League: words to action
"Evictions of asylum seekers guilty of serious crimes in our country, sanctions for begging harbadment, imprisonment for those who organize occupations and exploit beggars, recruitment in the local police, construction of new prisons." In short, more security. And thanks to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, all this is now a reality. "This is what the deputy head of the Chamber of Deputies, Fabrizio Cecchetti, said. is declared "very satisfied with the approval of the decree on security and immigration".

"From words to action: thanks to Minister Salvini, who has been able to quickly implement one of the cornerstones of the League's program, Parliament approves a provision that provides greater security and safety for citizens , more protection for mayors and more guarantees for Italians, "he concludes.

Pd: creates invisible. MPs with masks
The Democratic Party deputies wore white face masks, after Graziano Delrio ended his speech in the House in the declaration of the final vote on the security decree. The parent company, based in Montecitorio, said: "With this arrangement, you create invisible faces without a face". The current president, Fabio Rampelli, immediately took back the deputies of the PD, asking the clerks to remove the masks: "The Chamber of Deputies is not vaudeville," he stigmatized.

Fontana, Forza Italia: we will monitor the implementation
"Today, we have put our trust in a reinstated measure that can revive the virtuous policies of managing the migratory phenomenon of the Berlusconi governments, interrupted by the mismanagement of the Renzi-Alfano and Gentiloni-Minniti governments". This is what Gregorio Fontana, deputy of Forza Italia and member of the Defense Committee of the Chamber of Deputies says: "With Forza Italia, however, in Montecitorio, we expressed a very large majority, which translates into a great responsibility: It is now incumbent upon the government to effectively implement the obligations of the decree and to give concrete effect to what it promised: to ensure the necessary resources for the police budget and to avoid that Italy falls into the trap of the compact Global. "" Forza Italia will be very demanding, "concludes Fontana," and will ensure the implementation of the measures we have voted ".

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