Seehofer rejects Merkel's proposal on migrants and presents plan


Last night at the Chancery he again tried to convince her, but she "did not move a centimeter". And today, the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, has decided to tear Angela Merkel, dramatically undermining the government's position and a pillar of national politics like the Christian Union. Democrat. The outcome of the EU summit on migrants is "insufficient", from his point of view. Supported by the party, the Bavarian hawk insists on immediate refusals at the border, on which the Chancellor has not found agreement with the most important countries, he noted with his. What means with Italy and Austria, for example. A knot on which the Chancellor has returned today, saying to the ZDF that an agreement with Rome "was not possible for now, the Italian Prime Minister explained that the l & # 39; Italy has felt abandoned by many, for years ". But the dialogue remains. For the Chancellor "it is clear that the EU is slow, the problem is certainly not solved, there is still a lot of work, but I want Europe to be in solidarity", he clarified once and for all.

It was punctuated by the wait: a declaration of Seehofer announced for 18 hours, is shifted from hour to hour for the extension of the party meeting. And then he should come back to say Frau Angela too. Everything seems to turn out at worst, but every prediction seems risky and the Sunday of the confrontation is punctuated by opposing voices: Seehofer could announce his resignation, or stubbornness over the rejections, on which he could decide to proceed anyway . Force the Chancellor to demand his resignation (actually opening the government crisis).

In Merkel's summer interview at Zdf, recorded at 2 pm, the precariousness of the situation became clear to the first answers: at the end of this day there will always be a government and the Union will always be together, asked the host? The reaction was, to say the least, cautious: "I will do my utmost to see the results at the CDU and the CSU," he said, referring to "the responsibility for the country". In another pbadage, Merkel was clearer: "Everyone realizes that there is a lot at stake, and everyone knows that the situation is serious." Sentence, the latter, reiterated the evening before his Cdu. "I would like the Union to continue working together, it is a success story for Germany, together we are very strong," he further clarified. "But for me, it is also important that there are no unilateral measures, not agreed and on the shoulders of third parties". The Chancellor also reiterated that, from her point of view, the package published by Brussels provides "a globally equivalent response" to the requests of Minister Seehofer

. But it is on this point that, immediately after the disclosure of the expectations of the interview, the Bavarian minister filtered the first negative answers: he does not believe that the results of the summit constitute "an equivalent answer", he would have said at the meeting of the Christian Social garrison in Munich. There is a question of credibility, personal and party, on the table in Bavaria, at this time, where the CSU is obsessed with the prospect of losing an absolute majority in the October administrative elections in Bavaria, after the trauma of this 38%. to the September feds. To avoid it, they pursue the right of the Afd on the basis of zero tolerance towards refugees

A line that up to here does not seem worth paying: the polls show that Merkel's popularity is increasing in Bavaria. What would happen if they really forced the hand? The Chancellor could also look for new allies, and the Greens, outraged by the behavior of the Union, said that they were ready to intervene anyway

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