Senator buying and selling, Pg Cassazione: "Confirming the prescription to Berlusconi"


Deputy Attorney General of the Cbadation Luigi Orsi requested to confirm the prescription of the crime of corruption contested to Silvio Berlusconi for the sale of senators between 2006 and 2008, in which the leader of Forza Italia had been sentenced three years for corruption (Offense prescribed on April 20, 2017). The PG asked the sixth criminal section to reconquer the crime in an irregular corruption, always with the result of the prescription, and to reject the defense appeal, which instead asks the acquittal with the full formula . The verdict is expected in the evening. The facts refer to the 3 million data given to former senator Idv De Gregorio in 2007, to get him into the center: on April 20, 2017, the Naples court of appeal had declared the l 39; offense against Berlusconi and the former director of the next Valter Lavitola; while in the first instance, in 2015, the two defendants had been sentenced to three years imprisonment and five years ban from public office. The final verdict is expected in the evening.

July 2, 2018 (Amendment July 2, 2018 | 14:17)


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