Serious accident on A1 in the frusinate, young couple dies and the newborn daughter


Blood Sunday on the A1 Rome-Naples in the province of Frosinone. Three deaths in a car accident occurred around 12.35 between Ceprano and Pontecorvo. Among the victims there is also a little girl

Clash at km 654 to Naples

Tragedy, the umpteenth in the ciociaro section of the Autosole, occurred at km 654 towards Naples. For reasons still to be determined and according to a first reconstruction, a car collided with a van in Roccasecca before switching over. For the three people, including a child, there was no leak in the car. The agents of the Cbadino Police Station are trying to piece together what has happened and establish the dynamics of the serious accident.

Reduction of traffic on one lane

The section concerned was closed to traffic to allow relief operations to firefighters, 118 personnel, traffic police and employees of the company Autostrade per l 'Italia. The blockade of traffic caused long queues, which exceeded five kilometers. Disturbances have also been reported in the north direction. The asphalt strip between Ceprano and Pontecorvo was reopened around 2 pm, traffic flowing in the accident area only on one lane. For those traveling to Naples Autostrade by Italy advises to go out to Ceprano and take the Casilina, returning to the A1 at Pontecorvo toll

15 July 2018 | 15:30


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