Sexual violence: Attacks against women in park dogs, arrested


(ANSA) – MILAN, JULY 1st – He was taking the dog for a walk
in a public park at via dei Platani in Arese, in the Milan area.
She stopped talking to the owner of another dog
but he started trying to kiss her and he got her
groping. He only desisted when the woman, who is 45,
he started screaming. The day after the victim's presentation
report to the riflemen, describing the attacker and telling
details that the man had told him about where he lived
have changed a house recently.
The carabinieri crossed the data of the people who
they had recently changed homes in the area and badyzed
those whom the victim of violence has provided concerning
the coach of the man. They then acquired the photographs of
suspected and the woman recognized him with certainty.
The detention of the judicial police was then carried out
by the riflemen against a 58-year-old unemployed
was taken to the San Vittore prison in Milan


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