Sexual violence, protest interrupts Mass of Cardinal Santiago de Chile


A group of Chilean laypersons interrupted a Mbad on Tuesday, officiating in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago, Chile, with Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati calling for his renunciation. the protest arrived a few months after the resounding announcement that all the bishops of the country had handed over their mandate to the hands of Pope Francis, who had summoned the country's bishops to Rome for a series of individual and collective talks

. that the incumbent of the archdiocese of the capital, aged 75, was summoned by a judge who intends to interrogate him for suspecting that he had covered badual abuse against minors

  Sexual abuse, protest interrupts the mbad of the Cardinal of Santiago de Chile

Interrupting the religious ceremony, the demonstrators showed banners asking for "the renunciation of all the bishops", which provoked the intervention of the security of the cathedral and the "riflemen" who blocked protest

Mbad is resumed and at the end, after an hour and a half, according to the newspaper La Tercera, Cardinal Ezzati approached the people who had said at the event: "Thank you for accompanying us".

For his part, outside the cathedral, one of the demonstrators blocked the Apostolic Nuncio in Chile, Mgr. Ivo Scapolo, saying out loud: "Please, give up your office."
The priest Jorge Muñoz, who joined the religious group that had accompanied the cardinal in the ceremony, said that he felt "suffering for all

For all this – he insisted – we must heal and correct what we have committed as a Church.

  Sexual abuse, protest interrupts Mbad of Cardinal Santiago de Chile

painful – he continued – is all that has lived and Suffered the victims.If today there are these situations is because many people have suffered. "
Monday the Chilean prosecutor announced that 158 ​​priests and laity with responsibility in the Catholic Church they have is the subject of an investigation for badual abuse. The currently open cases, he added, are 37, while the victims reach 104, including 52 minors.
Tuesday, finally, Judge Jorge Abbot did not rule out that other bishops should be brought to justice. The Chilean civilization, even if for the moment he did not want to indicate a name

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