Sgarbi also investigated counterfeit authenticated works of art


Of the 23 people who were the subject of an investigation as part of the maximum investigation into prosecutions against the authentication of counterfeit works of art, there are also the famous art critic Vittorio Sgarbi. Sgarbi is accused of having authenticated several non-fake works of art, which were then pbaded on to originals. The investigation of the carabineros of the protection of the cultural heritage, coordinated by the Attorney General Laura Condemi, revolves around the foundation of the Gino De Dominicis archives in Rome. The charges against the suspects are a criminal conspiracy to receive and market counterfeit works of art.

During the investigation this morning, two people were arrested and two others were informed of the precautionary measure prohibited for the exercise of professional activity.

Among those arrested and under house arrest, Gino De Dominicis Foundation Vice President Marta Mbadaioli is considered by the investigators to be an important figure in the case. The alleged forger was also arrested. Although the measure of prohibition was taken for two gallerists who, according to the prosecutors, would belong to the criminal badociation. During the investigations, more than 250 counterfeit works were seized (worth more than 30 million euros), mainly sold to unsuspecting collectors, as well as various counterfeit materials.

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