"Redo the accounts", postpone the moment of the "figures" of the deficit. Better deal with Europe, force voters to correct the maneuver and avoid splits. Because if Matteo Salvini wants "to do everything to avoid the proceedings in breach", Luigi Di Maio fears having to sacrifice the income of the citizenship on the altar of public accounts and refuses now a postponement of the measure, aware that 39, it will be difficult to avoid. And so the ball is thrown into Parliament "which is sovereign": "There will be amendments," says Salvini, how much reduce the deficit "is not my problem". While M5 slows down: sales, he says, do not change.
Pierre Moscovici, from the EU, confirms that the Commission is willing to engage in a dialogue and announces the continuation of the confrontation with Giuseppe Conte and Giovanni Tria, this weekend, on the sidelines of the G20 in Buenos Aires. But remember that in order to avoid the sanctions that are now "necessary" and demanded by other eurozone countries, Rome must show the "concrete developments" in the accounts: "We can be flexible within the framework of rules without ignore them. " An extended hand confirmed, in two meetings with Di Maio and Tria, also by the German Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz: "The commission fulfills its mission.A constructive debate is fair".
On the other hand, the government continues to see positive signs (slight increase to 294 points).
but under the threshold 300). The front of government bonds is more critical: the performance of indexed BTPs, all localized, increases
at 1.45%, while the Treasury decides to cancel the auctions planned for December 13th ("There is an availability of liquidity," he explains). Salvini ensures that investors "can not wait to buy the titles": "I smile because the gap is lower …", he jokes, sending "love" messages to l & # 39; Europe. But the game is at the beginning. The dialogue advocated by Sergio Mattarella during the talks with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministers is still only theoretical.
At the top of Monday night at Palazzo Chigi, a two-step strategy was decided: to try to reformulate the maneuver without affecting income from citizenship and pensions, but by shifting the focus of investments; otherwise, reduce the deficit. Therefore, in Brussels, which calls for an updated version of the budget planning document, the government is reacting for the moment. "No new documents," says Salvini. And Di Maio ensures that the balances will not change: there will be, will we explain pentastellated government sources, more investments that will reduce the debt, but it will not be necessary to review the balances and reduce the deficit.
Pbading the ball in Parliament means taking time until the end of the year or at least in the next two weeks, when the maneuver will be voted in first reading in the House. But Conte and Tria insist that the deficit be reduced to 2.2% in the first days of December (in the middle of next week, after the return of Tria Ecofin). From now on, the technical verification of the costs of the "quota 100" and the income of the citizenship will be finished: the "weight" of the two measures could fall by four billion. But Di Maio insists that this does not result in a carryover of checks: "The revenue will start in March, the quota 100 in February," he says. "I think so, but I do not put my hand in the fire," Salvini is more cautious.
The fear of the Five Stars is evident in the words of Laura Castelli, who accuses the League of "campaigning with public funds", allocating more than necessary to start the quota 100. Salvini shrugs and announces changes to increase the "IMU Deductibility on Sheds and Inail Lower Payments for those working in the construction and industry sector". The League is also reviving the contributory amnesty. And to Tito Boeri, who defines "prohibition" of work-pension cumulation considered as "difficult", Salvini ironically replies: "The measure will begin in February if INPS collaborates". In the end, admit the M5 and Lega, you will have to change. Slippage and downsizing of both measures are considered inevitable. But for the moment we keep the point, to face a force. "At the end of the work – says Salvini – the numbers will arrive".
Last updated: 28 November 01:08 © RESERVED COPY
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