Sharks return to New York. Bite two children


NEW YORK – On Wednesday, swimming in the ocean with two children along the shores of Fire Island, New York State, was abruptly interrupted by an unexpected visit from 39, a shark. The 12 year old and the 13 year old both suffered injuries to the right leg (but not serious). The attacks, which occurred at a distance of about 7 kilometers one from the other, are the first attack of a shark in the state of New York since 1970. years

At the time of the episode, Lola, the child, was immersed in the water until the life. "I saw something close to me, I felt the pain and I looked at a fin and realized that my leg was completely bloody," Lola says adding that the shark was 90 to 120 cm long.

which looks like a shark tooth has been extracted from the child 's leg and will be badyzed to establish the shark species found in the waters of the Atlantic Beach, in the city of & 9 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Islipabout80kilometerseastofManhattan

According to Ian Levine, chief of the Ocean Beach Fire Department, shark attacks are extremely rare along the coast of Fire Island, as well as in the rest of the island. 39, State of New York. The cases in the state were 10 in total and the last one dates back to 1948.

The beaches of the island of fire will remain closed until otherwise. Meanwhile, shark hunting continues

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