She kills herself in the dam, the comrade throws herself out of the hospital window The alarm launched by the preparers of the Lazio retreat to Auronzo


AURONZO (BELLUNO) She throws herself out of the dam, when he discovers that he is trying to take his own life. A double tragedy yesterday in Auronzo, where a 48 year old from the place died after being thrown from the dam of the Santa Caterina factory. In the afternoon, around 15:30, another tragedy: the companion of the woman, who was at Auronzo Hospital where she is neat, started from the second floor. The man, 44 years old, very serious in a coma in Treviso for politraumi. It was saved only thanks to a car parked underneath that softened the blow.

The partner who, like his partner, was undergoing treatment for depression had no escape. Last night, she left the house and took the action crazy. To notice the body at the foot of the dam, at tens of meters lower, two runners of the Lazio football team retreated to Auronzo. Both trained on a path around the plant, enjoyed by racing enthusiasts. The 48 year old man was at the bottom of the wall in the part where there is no water. Auronzo's carabinieri ensured that there would be no third party liability: it was a suicide. The woman leaves both parents, already marked in the past by the loss of a child.

Sos Suicidi. There are toll-free numbers that anyone can contact for psychological support and help:
Phone number 199.284.284
Telefono Azzurro 1.96.96
Project InOltre 800.334.343
From Leo Fund 800.168.768


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