Shots against the house of Ario Gervasutti. An attack on all journalists – Article 21


Firearm shooting against the house of Ario Gervasutti. An attack on all journalists


An attack on all journalists. An attack on the freedom of the press. An attack on the autonomy of the information. An attack on civil cohabitation. Unacceptable. The five shots exploded against the home of his colleague Ario Gervasutti, in Padua, bringing the clock back to the lead years, to the seventy that we thought had been stored forever as "history". But no. A night of almost summer, just after the umpteenth time of this strange atmospheric season, at 1.45 between Sunday 15th and Monday 16th July, someone from a car running, at a distance of twenty meters, aims and strikes: the the target is the window on the second floor of the villa of the former director of Il Giornale di Vicenza, now in the central office of Gazzettino, newspaper that he had landed after the experience at Il Giornale and where he had worked for a decade as a senior correspondent

Five shots: three bullets enter the room where one of Gervasutti's two sons is sleeping and is stuck in the closet, in the ceiling and just above the headboard. The awakening of the family is dramatic: the windows were open and the five thuds were distinctly heard. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the stranger who was holding the gun, in a professional manner to say the least, also coldened and cynically account for the possibility of the "accident". collateral effect of the injury of a person.

they have the profile of a warning, typical of all organized crime, regardless of the latitude to which it belongs.
Five shots frightening, questioning, worrying, terrorizing

"I will not be intimidated," Gervasutti said. And not even the journalists are intimidated, including those who showed him solidarity and closeness this morning, strongly condemning the cowardly attack: Fnsi, the Syndicate and the Venezuelan Order of Journalists and the editorial board of the Gazzettino

it is right and proper not to back down in front of such episodes, it is not necessary to absolutely minimize it. Indeed

"I continue to hope that it is a personal exchange – explained Gervasutti – I can not understand how much success.I do not find professional motives and even less Certainly, during the seven years spent at the Giornale di Vicenza, someone could have considered me to be responsible for a wrong, but that was a while ago and then, which could justify something. As absurd, and at Gazzettino, for two years now, I have been playing a machine role, not at all exposed, I have just written very few editorials of an economic nature. was sent special, I have never dealt with crime or crime, contexts accustomed to the use of weapons. "

The Carabinieri investigate the matter and everyone hopes that you will arrive at the most later. early detection of officials: the investigative activity badesses the widest range of possibilities, including that of the gesture of a fool.

However, it is very difficult not to tie these five shots to the journalistic profession of the recipient, the climate in which the press – heard as information – is increasingly attacked because – say it all – it annoys .

And here are the announcements on reducing the funding of publishing. And here are the raids in the newsrooms, one – the most violent – at Mattino di Padova (formerly Padova) with four colleagues accused of revealing a secret investigation aggravated by the help to the mafia.

For the love of heaven! Nobody wants to pack all the grbad. But it must be clear that when the press is attacked, wherever the attack arrives, you know where you are going from, but you do not know where it ends.

"To legitimize the pursuit of the chronicler" can in fact make the stura a subversive drift undemocratic and very dangerous.

History teaches: it was on July 7, 1977 when a Communist Communist terrorist commando shot at the legs of Toni Garzotto, then judicial of "Il Gazzettino", the l ". ambush a few meters from his house in Abano Terme in the province of Padua. Seven shots at seven in the morning

Today, 41 years later, still a journalist in the line of fire, a journalist threatened. And if investigators are considering the possibility or not of placing the stock for Gervasutti, certainly Fnsi, Syndicate and Order have already sent "the media escort" with the main objective of robbing the colleague of the isolation and exploitation. Nobody saves alone. Not even the democratic state.


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