Single Tim-Open Fiber Network, Lega-M5S Agreement on Fiscal Decree


The vote of the clbad of senate the fiscal decree is expected to arrive tonight, and could be an important brick in the prospect of creating a new company that unites current networks in broadband of Tim and open fiber.

waiting Vivendi request Elliott the prompt convening of the shareholders' meeting of Tim: "For a company the size of Tim it will be difficult to remain without listeners after December 31, especially given all the governance issues that led to the dismissal of the CEO – says a spokesman for the French group – For this reason, Elliott advisors will probably have to convene a badembled in a very short time quickly, without waiting for April ".

Opening the discussion at Palazzo Madama this morning, the rapporteur of the provision, Emiliano Fenu (M5S), wanted to emphasize how this provision opens the way "to the constitution of a single network company which current networks of Tim and Open fiber. Today, the existence of two companies implies the dispersal of resources that could be used much more effectively – stresses the senator – A unique network allows to realize significant savings in the definition of investment strategies in the networks ".

Some amendments approved during the night session of the Finance Committee, among others those aimed at stimulating the single network project, through a pricing system modeled on Rab applied Terna and Snam, in a project according to which it will beCommunication Authority the camp to promote the birth of newco using the lever of the system of remuneration of the capital.

league and 5-star movement they thus reached a compromise, signed with the approval of the amendment of the rapporteur to the decree relating to the tax, wished by the Movement, as well as the sub-amendment of the Leagueists, correct in this which concerns the first modification requests, which notably indicated the exclusion of the "employment clause". The new set of rules provides that Agcom may indicate "a possible aggregation scheme" in a non-vertically integrated and wholesale legal entity ", with a" different or third-party controlled "ownership that must to be, as the Lega asked, also "independent or different vertically integrated network operators".

The aim should be to maximize investments in "new and advanced high-speed" infrastructure that can guarantee "stable connections". The text no longer appears the reference initially requested by the League at the connection speed up to 1 Gigabit (Gbps). Agcom will always put in place "adequate incentive mechanisms for the return on invested capital", taking into account the "historical cost" of the transferred networks, as well as the "workforce" of the legal entities involved. " the new regulatory framework, always at the forefront of the Northern League, they also ask at certain times the "separation" of the network.

"It's possible to have a choice that allows this sector to be strategic but the government is distant.You do not understand what their ideas are -" he comments. Susanna CamussoSecretary General of CgilTelecom it is the story of a disaster announced both for privatization and for the negligence of a strategic sector. Now, it seems to me that the government is totally lacking in planning and badigning forces and individuals who know what we should be doing. "


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