Somalia, dies 10 years after infibulation. Dad: "It's our tradition" – Chronicle


She died at the age of 10 years after bleeding, after undergoing female bad mutilation

C 'arrived in Somalia, as claimed by a local NGO: the baby died in the hospital because of a haemorrhage after the death of his mother She had brought her there to submit to the ritual of infibulation.

Probably she cut a vein during the intervention, makes the hypothesis of Hawa Aden Mohamed, founder of Eng Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development

Speaking to The Voice of America, he defended the practice by saying, "It's our tradition."

The infibulation, which involves the removal of the clitoris, is a widespread ritual. According to the UN, 98% of women and girls in Somalia are subjected to this delicate intervention, it is the country with the highest percentage ever.

According to the NGO, the woman who practiced mutilation by cutting a "major artery and causing the death of the child was not arrested:" But even if stopped, it does not. There are no laws to punish him for this act: what happened is one of the many cases that occur every day in Somalia. "

Even when girls do not die, often these operations

And more generally, women subjected to this practice can not have normal badual intercourse, they feel a lot of pain during badual intercourse, not to mention psychological problems such as stress. post-traumatic, anxiety and depression.

Yet, the Somali Constitution states: "Circumcision of girls is a cruel and degrading practice, tantamount to torture and is therefore prohibited." There are no laws that punish x who practice it, because the parliamentarians – explains the NGO – fear losing the votes of this more traditionalist part of the Muslim community that considers this ritual as a tradition.

(Unioneonline / L)

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