Son of Simona Ventura attacked outside the disco: 4 arrested at night for attempted murder


Four shots were fired overnight for attempted murder, as part of the investigation for wounding with 11 stab wounds from Niccolò Bettarini, the son of Simona Ventura and 19-year-old Stefano Bettarini. The agents of the General Office of Prevention and Relief and the mobile squad of the police headquarters in Milan arrested two Italian citizens aged 24 and 29 and two Albanian citizens aged 23 and 29, seriously suspected of attempted Murder of the boy at the height of a feud in front of the Old Fashion nightclub in the early hours of Sunday, July 1st. The four young men to whom the police arrived 12 hours after the attack all have a criminal record. One of them is related to the Inter curve, reached by a Daspo provision in recent years and, during the interrogation of yesterday, he denied having hit Bettarini.

Niccolò Bettarini, the TV presenter's firstborn, was hit on the trunk, abdomen and hand, and was saved around 5 am in Viale Alemagna and brought a red code to the hospital of Niguarda. He is not in danger of life, as have also confirmed on social networks by the mother. "After this long, long day, I can say that it went well, you improved, thank God … You were brave and I love you and even more " – wrote the host in a post on Facebook. Then in a statement the boy's parents added: "That night our son was attacked by many people trying to defend a friend Fortunately the consequences are not serious, Niccolò is recovering quickly, a miracle given to the 11 infested blows. Hoping that the culprits will soon be brought to justice, we would first like to thank the police station, the institutions and the wonderful first aid team of the Niguarda Hospital for being so close to we ".

of the Questor concerning the place. More details will be provided in the next hours.

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