Sophia, how is the EU mission Salvini would like to change?


On the occasion of Thursday's summit in Innsbruck, Austria, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini returned to the issue of migration flows. After the wall raised against the boats of the NGO, Salvini announced a crackdown that will lead to the closure of Italian ports to military ships of international missions. Salvini explains that it is necessary to review the rules of international missions, referring first and foremost to EunavForMed Sophia, a European-led military operation aimed at dismantling the business model of traffickers and human trafficking networks in Europe. the south of the Mediterranean. Rescue is not a primary function, but ships participating in the mission are required to perform rescue activities like any institutional or private boat close to an emergency situation.

But what exactly is Sophia?

EunavForMed Sophia a military operation of the European Union launched by the EU Foreign Affairs Council in June 2015 and subsequently extended twice (31 December 2018). As planned, the goal of the fight against human trafficking along the road between the Libyan coast and Europe, implementing systematic measures to identify, stop and neutralize the vessels and vehicles used or suspected of being used by
] pbaders or traffickers. On the occasion of the two extensions, specific tasks were added, namely:
a) the formation of the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy and the fight against the arms traffic in the area of ​​operation (first extension, June 20, 2016)) The establishment of a follow-up mechanism of staff training to ensure the effectiveness of Libyan coastguards training, new monitoring and information gathering activities on the illicit traffic in oil exports in Libya and the improvement of human trafficking with the Frontex and Europol agencies (second extension, 25 July 2017). A curiosity: the official name EunavForMed Sophia, pinned in October 2015, in tribute to Sophia, a Somali girl born on August 24th of the German ship Schleswig-Holstein after rescuing her mother in the Mediterranean.

Does it work? According to data from the European Council, updated in May 2018, the operation led to the arrest and transfer to the Italian authorities (which deal with 143 people suspected of trafficking and smuggling, neutralized 545 ships and Helped save 44,251 lives The costs of the operation are spread among the 27 European countries (all except Denmark) participating in the operation, while the shared budget should be in the order of 6 million euros for 2018. The operation is divided into four phases: deploy forces and gather information on traffickers (phase 1), carry out checks, inspections and seizures, with division of labor between one phase on the high seas and one on the Libyan coast (phase 2), neutralization of the ships and contrast activities with the smugglers directly on the Libyan territory (phases 3 and 4, currently not activated)

How much does it affect rescues? And why do migrants "end up" in Italy?

The ships that are part of the EunavForMed Sophia mission must intervene in case of sinking due to obligations imposed by international law, as any other public or private boat is required to do. in the useful area in relation to an emergency situation. According to data from the Italian Coast Guard, the military units of the mission saved a total of 10,669 people in 2017, or about 9.3% of the 114,000 people rescued last year. In the absence of a Libyan Marine Rescue Coordination Center (Mrcc), the rescue operations in question are coordinated by our Coast Guard. The final landing takes place in Italy because, in accordance with the internal provisions, for rescue at sea, we refer to the operational plan of operation Triton Frontex agency (which requires that the landings are carried out in our country).

Can Salvini really change it?

Salvini claims to want to speak at the next summit this Thursday in Innsbruck, but in reality the competence on the subject belongs to another ministry: that of Foreign Affairs (while the Austrian meeting will welcome the ministers of the interior, him included). The same owner of the Farnesina,
Enzo Moavero Milanesi, retains him, baduring that Italy does not leave its commitments on the international scale. In any case, Natasha Bertaud, spokeswoman for the European Commission for Migration, stressed that the question could be asked in view of the December deadline: a revision of the strategic mandate is imminent – he said – possibility of discuss Italian proposals

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