Sovereign Masochism and the Common European Interest – National Page


The sovereign masochism of the Italian government was manifested at the European Council. Conté threatened the right of veto, he put one against 27 and, of course, the 27 won. As with the UK in the Brexit negotiation. At the European Council sit national heads of state and government, none of whom are ready to be intimidated or reward blackmail behavior, also to prevent repetition. The EU is a cooperative organization in which "beating the table" is counterproductive. Nationalism does not pay, because there are 28 opposing nationalisms.

The Dublin bylaw has not been reformed, and in the meantime it is requested to respect it. The distribution of refugees – not economic migrants – will only be on a voluntary basis. Collaboration and investment in Africa will be strengthened, but Spain is more cited than Italy, given the increase in landings that in 2018 were similar to us. Landings have decreased by 95% from the peak of 2015 and are more evenly distributed between the eastern, central and western Mediterranean routes. There is no urgency today and European decisions can not depend on Salvini 's propaganda.

The fiasco is dramatic because Italy could play a completely different game. The European Parliament has already approved the Commission's proposal on the Dublin reform. What was inspired by the one hastily presented last Sunday by the Italian government, although the League had abstained and the M5S had voted against the European Parliament, and had not participated in the 22! informal negotiation meetings between groups on the subject. Conté could challenge other governments to act on the proposals of the Commission and the Parliament, finding the banks of supranational institutions and small countries generally more favorable to the Community method than to the intergovernmental method. He preferred to be a "tyrant" and go home with a handful of flies to trumpet the propaganda drum. Thus, it has weakened the Italian position and that of the European institutions which, for the migrants, really seek a European solidarity solution, with a common management, a compulsory division and a common asylum policy. The Commission has proposed to increase the funds for this policy by 260%, bringing Frontex to 10,000 units. Italy should support it, instead of complaining of reduced increases in structural funds

With the sovereign line – each state decides all alone – we become united "on a voluntary basis", that is, to say everyone for themselves and worse for first landing countries. And the reform of the euro area is also mentioned. The Visegrad countries win, friends of Salvini and enemies of Italy.

They lose Europe and the European citizens. Because to solve problems of common European interest, a federal government is needed: it applies to migration, security, defense, revitalization of investments and the economy . –






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