Starting from a ton of waste, produce fuel for 900 liters. And the systems right now to save for everyone


Fuel from waste recycling, a perspective that is becoming more and more real. But there are already immediate methods that allow you to save money immediately or that is not very short as they also arrive in Italy and are valid for all car owners.

Technology sometimes works wonders. As the use of plastic, a real enemy of the environment given the difficulty in getting rid of it properly and efficiently, as fuel for the engines. An advantage in terms of double environment. indeed, at first, it will be possible to virtually eliminate any excess of plastic that devastates the planet. And then because he would be able to give a concrete and effective response to the hungry need for energy that does not seem to stop despite the different calls for more balanced management

Over the course of the fifty In recent years, the need has increased twenty times and every year in the world the equivalent of 900 Empire State buildings full of fuel is consumed. The news is that rather quickly (next year, according to Luca Dal Fabbro, CEO of Group Grt) in Italy will be built factories with zero and large emissions like tennis courts in which bottles and bags will enter from plastic. And every ton of plastic waste will turn into 900 liters of fuel similar to kerosene.

A ton of waste becomes 900 liters of fuel

How it's possible that a ton of waste will turn into 900 liters of fuel he said. This is what is called pyrolysis, which is the process that causes the breakdown of the molecular chains that make the plastic rigid. A process that unfolds without any combustion and therefore not at all harmful for the environment, which makes it a double advantage. This operation was made possible thanks to the technology that is now able to support its development. According to the Grt, each plant will be able to supply fuel at the cost of twenty-five dollars per barrel equivalent, less than half the price of a barrel of oil.

But while oil, once extracted, must be transported and refined Adding economic and environmental costs, plastics are caught within a radius of a little more than a hundred kilometers from the l & # 39; In this way, seventy percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions needed to produce energy are eliminated. In addition, solar panels that will cover the structure will further improve energy performance

From plastic to engines to plants

The operation that allows the conversion of plastic into fuel capable of powering the engines will be realized in specific installations. Each one of them allows you to secure the equivalent of a truck full of plastic a day, avoiding that it ends in the Mediterranean. This means that four plants of five thousand tons each are capable of reducing the carbon dioxide emissions produced by about six thousand people living in Italy. In short, a result not bad

Also because the profits are projected on other aspects like this one, certainly not secondary concerning the discharges. By calculating that in Italy one hundred and fifty thousand tons of plastic are collected without too much difficulty, according to projections and calculations made, a hundred of these factories could be quickly realized. And the raw material will not be missed at all, as the MacArthur Foundation's The New Plastics Economy report also reveals. Suffice it to say that 32% of plastic packages end up scattered in the environment, 14 are burned in incineration plants with waste to energy and 40% are dumped. Only 14% is recovered and only 8% is really recycled. In short, there is a meadow to travel

How to save now

But the real savings can now be obtained in various ways from the CNG and LPG that we compared in a long article with the hybrid cars available immediately on the market and that really save, and then all-new biomethane that with a single rule that lacks approval will have all the methane cars (without any engine change or installation). equipment) operating with biomethane an exceptional revolution and that already many homes adopt as Fiat or Volkswagen

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