Stock market: Europe cautious, stable Milan – Economy


(ANSA) – MILAN, 10 JULY – European exchanges seem cautious
in the morning, after contradictory data on the production
in France (-0.2%) and Italy (+ 0.7%) and in view
Zew indices on economic confidence in Germany. Apart from
London (-0.06%) and Madrid (-0.09%), other rates
between the parity of Milan and the timid progress of Frankfurt
(+ 0.11%) and Paris (+ 0.3%). Positive futures on Wall Street
the optimism of small businesses (Nfib index) and the
Vacancies in the United States, while the eyes are on the minutes
of the ECB expected in two days and on the imminent season
quarterly. One of the biggest increases is Airbus
(+ 2.56% in Paris), entered the titles favored by
Bofa Merril Lynch, while Tim (-2.54%) discounts at Piazza Affari
the UBS sales recommendation.


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