Stock market: motor racing supports Europe, + 5% FCA in Milan (+ 1.5%) – Stock market quotes – News


05/07/2018 13:26

Exchange: Motor racing supports Europe, + 5% FCA in Milan (+ 1.5%)

(Il Sole 24 Hours Radiocor Plus ) – Milan, 05 Jul – All
European stock markets were positive, rising sharply in the middle of the session,
supported by the rebound of the automobile after the indications
that Europe and the United States would consider a
proposal to eliminate duties on the automotive sector. kite
increased by 1.5% with the Ftse Mib which recovered 22 thousand
points, even Frankfurt earns 1.5%, Paris goes up
1.2% while London advances by 0.6%. It is the automotive industry
(+ 4%) to pull the price lists, on the possibility that Brussels
challenge the US President Donald Trump to start a
"plurilateral" negotiation to reduce tariffs on cars.
The initiative garnered support from Germany,
where the pressing of the big car companies
on the American ambbadador seems to have gotten a first
opening. They run FCA (+ 5%) in Milan, Bmw (+ 5.4%), Volkswagen
(+ 4.7%) and Daimler (+ 4.4%) in Frankfurt, Renault (+ 3.5%) e
Peugeot (+ 3.11%) in Paris. The advantages of Piazza Affari Fca
also from Jefferies' positive judgment. Everything is on the rise
the automotive sector with Brembo (+ 2%) in evidence, Exor (+ 3%),
Ferrari (+ 2.8%). The banking sector is well settled after that
the government has notified to the EU the request for extension of
6 months state guarantee on Npl sales, in
expiring on September 6th. They lead Mediobanca (+ 2.9%), Ubi
Bank (+ 2%), Unicredit (+ 1.9%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (+ 2.19%),
other banks are more cautious. Bene Generali (+ 2%) who sold
89.9% of the German Leben to Viridium, with 1.9 billion
collection and at better conditions than expected. Well toned
Mediaset (+ 2%), who presented the palimpsestes of autumn and has
said that advertising in the first six months has increased the
2%. At the end of the price list luxury with Ferragano which gives
1.87% after Jp Morgan's negative judgments, Main First ed
Equita. Folds also Moncler (-1.8%) than in the first 6 months
of the year gained 50%. Weak utilities with Snam
(-0.4%) and Terna (-0.3%). Another boom for
Longino & Cardenal listed yesterday in Aim, even today the title
and "still in the volatility auction" (at + 14.77%), but not
orders are allowed without price limit. He is still running
Juventus (+ 6.4%), while reinforcing the possible purchase of
Cristiano Ronaldo. In the currency market, in the morning
under the banner of strengthening the euro, which is gaining ground
against all major currencies after data disclosure
German Macro and the indiscretions of the ECB, according to which for
some members of the rate hike at the end of 2019 could be
too late. The euro / dollar rises to 1,677 after the switch
briefly the threshold of 1.17 (from 1.144 yesterday). The single currency
it was then traded at 129.4 yen (128.693 yen), while the
The dollar / yen exchange rate is 110.62 (against 110.53). Oil has
restarted to increase after a waning morning: the future of WTI
in August, they rose 0.27% to 74.53 dollars a barrel
while those on the September Brent are at $ 78.26
barrel (+ 0.03%).

(RADIOCOR) 05-07-18 13:26:46 (0292) NEWS 3 NNNN

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