Storms and hail over Veneto and Friuli: floods and damage


by Paola Treppo

VENICE – Sudden storm of bad weather in the northeast with violent thunderstorms in the evening

In the late afternoon and beginning of Today, Sunday, July 8, the fury of bad weather hit Venetia from the coast, then Venice and the hinterland with black clouds, showers and a very strong wind. Temperatures have dropped

Dozens of appeals to firefighters are reported: Floods and Damage . The bad weather then affected the provinces of Treviso, Padua and Rovigo

In Friuli there was the formation of spectacular black clouds flanked by serene plates and rainbow between Lignano and Bibione .

Inland, violent but short hail storm south of Udine, Codroipo and generally in the Pedemontana, in the Friuli hills and in some countries of the Middle East. These were isolated events, followed immediately after the sun by intense heat. There is no damage.


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