Storms at Mugello: the Faentina railway line is interrupted


Interventions for fallen trees and branches. Damage to the power line in Badia Prataglia. Tomorrow yellow alert for hydrogeological risk on the Florentine territory

PHOTOGRAPHY – A violent storm with strong and hail wind struck this afternoon at Mugello. It lasted a few minutes but left some damage, especially fallen trees and branches, even wide, almost everywhere, even on the roads. Critics of this type have been reported between Borgo San Lorenzo and Scarperia and San Piero . In personal recognition of the metropolitan city Misperordia teams of Scarperia and Vab, the staff of the city of Borgo, in addition to firefighters .

Criticism would be almost solved, in conclusion interventions for the removal of trees and fallen branches as well as debris. The circulation of trains on the Faentina line, interrupted between Borgo San Lorenzo and Ronta due to bad weather, resumed at 20:45. The Civil Protection of the Metrocittà of Florence and the Fs had activated the protocol of badistance to the travelers, later returned. 180 pbadengers of two trains stopped between Borgo and Ronta .

Following the violent storm, also characterized by strong gusts of wind, which in the late afternoon struck the Casentino and Valtiberina there was a double damage due to the fall of trees on the overhead power line that feeds part of Badia Prataglia's fraction on the municipal territory of Poppi. The operational teams of E-Distribuzione, the Enel group company that manages the medium and low voltage power grid, intervened immediately to start the line repairs and restore the electrical service for users powered by the network section between the two points damaged. Since the operations are of a complex nature, the generators also arrive at provisional provisioning pending the final repair of the disturbance. In the night the electricity service situation of Badia Prataglia will return to normal

The incoming meteorological conditions of instability on the north-central peninsula with showers, storms and thermal decline that will also affect Tuscany between the second part of tomorrow, Monday, and the first hours of Tuesday. Yellow warning for severe thunderstorms and the resulting hydrogeological / hydraulic hazard in the "minor network" which includes secondary watercourses (especially Ema, Mugnone and Terzolle ). new criticality badessment bulletin for the area concerning both the municipality of Florence and that of Bagno a Ripoli, Fiesole, Greve in Chianti, Impruneta, Lastra a Signa, Pontbadieve, San Casciano in Val di Pesa, Scandicci and Tavarnelle Val di Pesa .
The alert will begin at 3 pm tomorrow, Monday, July 16, and end at midnight on Tuesday, July 17.

On Monday afternoon and early day Tuesday, a line of instability will cross the north-central of our peninsula with showers and thunderstorms also on Tuscany and the thermal decline that in will result


Tomorrow, Monday, aggravation of the afternoon and especially in the evening bear, with scattered showers and thunderstorms. The phenomena, difficult to locate, will be possible everywhere. Average accumulation up to significant with highs up to heights, even in a short time (1 hour).

Tomorrow, Monday, strong storms possible, difficult to locate, but possible everywhere, from the second part of the afternoon until the early hours of the day after tomorrow, Tuesday; possibility of strong blows and hail. For the day of tomorrow, Monday, from the second half of the afternoon, the possibility of an orange-type alert for storms and hydrological and hydraulic hazards with a minor network will be evaluated.

Writing of Nove of Florence

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