Strangola marries and commits suicide – Sardinia


Murder-suicide in Senorbì, victims of 51 and 62 years

It does not accept the end of the relationship, the will of the wife to separate Carlo Cincidda, 62 years old who killed his wife Paola Sechi, 51, in the morning their house in Via Brigata Sbadari in Senorbì, south of Sardinia.

These are the reasons that led to the tragedy of today: the carabineers are convinced that they are working to reconstruct the story in detail. The relationship between the spouses would have cracked at the end of last year. Although everyone in the village said that they were a united and trouble-free couple, things were not going well at home, there would be ongoing confrontations and discussions, accentuated after the fact that they were not happy. announces by the woman to want to separate.

Around 9:30, while the two were alone at home, there would be another quarrel. Cincidda would lose control, strangling his wife. The man then left home, went aboard his wife's car, reached the winery in via Piemonte where he had worked until the previous year, he climbed on a cistern and jumped into the void of a & # 39; height over ten meters


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