Street artist Jorit and another Italian arrested in the West Bank by Israeli soldiers


Neapolitan street artist Jorit was arrested with another Italian by Israeli police in Bethlehem. He wrote himself on his Facebook and Instagram profiles, in a post with photos, published just before 19:00

Jorit is in Bethlehem for a few days for the realization of a mural on the wall of Israeli separation. Ahmed Tamimi, a 17-year-old Palestinian activist, was jailed for slapping an IDF soldier. The girl has become the symbol of the resistance of the Palestinian people.

Jorit Agoch, Neapolitan of Dutch origin, is known in the Neapolitan capital for many murals that cover entire facades of buildings. At the entrance to Forcella, for example, there is a San Gennaro, whose face is inspired by the features of a young worker. Again, Mbadimo Troisi, the face of the Roman girl Ael to Ponticelli and Diego Armando Maradona in via Taverna del Ferro (San Giovanni a Teduccio), which was shown next to the eyes of Niccolò, an autistic child. Each face is depicted with signs on the face, scars as a sign of humanity, "belonging to the" human tribe, "Jorit points out.

In the post on Facebook in which he announced the # 39, arrest, Jorit also asks help, writing (in English): "We were arrested in Bethlehem, by the Israeli army, whoever can help us, please do it." [19659003] The reaction on social networks is immediate.The first to intervene is Luigi Magistris, Mayor of Naples: "On the wall of apartheid today – he says – a Neapolitan muralist drew the face of Ahed Tamini, the Palestinian girl arrested as a minor for having manifested the legitimate disregard against the occupation army of his land Jorit comes from Naples, the first city of Europe who saw his people stand up against the cruelest army in the history of hum anité. "

Never be wrong – continues de Magistris – portrays the beautiful face of a young Palestinian heroine, the evil is rather wanted prisoner, besieged his original village, having built this wall that separates people and creates injustice. in Naples, his liberty is a question of democracy, it concerns everyone and I also expect it because we have work to finish at San Giovanni a Teduccio ". [19659003DuringthistimeonFacebooktheco-ordinationofNaplesPalestineorganizesapubliceventdemandingtheliberationofJordan

. write – participate in the garrison on Sunday 29 to 10 in Piazza Municipio and the evening of solidarity with the Palestinian people and the Freedom Flotilla from Monday 30 to Friday 19 in Piazza San Domenico. "

Jerusalem and l. Embbady in Tel Aviv, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a statement that they were following "with great attention the case of the two Italians arrested in Bethlehem, to whom they now bring all the money. possible badistance, in contact with local authorities and families. "

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