Machine gun, badault rifle and pistols: arsenal discovered in a basement in Rome

Most weapons, hidden in a Tuscan palace, are abraded totally or partially by registration

C & Is a real arsenal that discovered by the carabinieri in a cellar of a condominium in the Tuscolano district. The soldiers of the company of Piazza Dante during a search of initiative found themselves faced with an illegal arsenal of great scale: 5 pistols of different caliber, a machine gun "Skorpion", a rifle of AK47 badault "Kalashnikov", two rifle barrels, chargers, hundreds of different caliber cartridges, balaclava, flashing lights similar to those used by law enforcement, wigs, a laser pointer, radio walkie talkie and scanner , a taser, two grenades – an MK 2 "pineapple" of American production and an English production – active and fully functional.

Rome, the arsenal discovered in a cellar in Tuscolano

Most weapons are totally or partially abraded. The army is now trying to find out who materially had the cellar's availability. The weapons will be sent to the ballistic laboratories of Ris de Rome to see if they were used in past or recent episodes