Summer sale 2018: good start all over Tuscany


Discount up to -70%. At Valdichiana Village Outlet, Barberino Designer Outlet and Gigli immediately full house

PHOTOGRAPHS – Saturday, July 7, the summer 2018 balances throughout the Tuscany region left; and continue during 60 days .

" The arrival of heat and the increase in temperatures positively influenced the beginning of the summer sales, which recorded, from the very first hours, a good start especially in cities with strong tourist vocation and along the coast, as expected in recent days, this thanks to the presence of many tourists who have particularly enjoyed the articles of the fashion industry and not only proposed in our stores – states Nico Gronchi President Confesercenti Toscana If we badyze the overall situation, we can talk about a good start that confirms the expectations, we hope that this trend will be confirmed by the numbers in the coming days and weeks. ".

There is however a fluctuating and more uncertain trend in small centers. Positive numbers are expected, especially in cities and centers where night events are planned to attract visitors and boost sales. However, it will be necessary to wait until next week and the next weekend to have a clearer picture. Dresses, t-shirts, sandals and costumes are confirmed among the most popular items. Exhausted also, electronic products such as smartphones, televisions, computers and appliances at particularly low prices. There is also an increase in sales of the perfume-aesthetics sector for products such as sunscreens, cosmetics and personal care products; now also for this type of items, we tend to wait for sales at the end of the season to proceed with the purchase. Around 100/120 € the average receipt, about 250 € the family budget, 2/3 the products purchased by receipt, and of ] 30% to 40% the percentage of departure discount. He is interested in sales 85% of consumers, and only 34% has already decided to buy, while the 51% will decide on opportunities will find navigation through the windows. Leaving quite positive also Florence also thanks to the important tourist flows of the period. A little worse in the Florentine hinterland, even for the "escape" to the sea for the weekend. In these realities it will be necessary to wait until the first days of next week to have a clearer and more homogeneous image of the situation, also because many openings in the evening and "By Night" were planned

" Temperatures below the seasonal average until the end of June have strongly influenced sales over the last few weeks, with consumers expecting the start of summer clothing sales. reason that we can talk about a good start for sales. – states Nico Gronchi, president of Confesercenti Toscana In general the figures of the year. of the fashion system, both for small and medium distribution, are beginning to show signs of subsidence, all in part because of the moment of profound transformation in the sector. In terms of lifestyles, the growth of forms that are alternatives to traditional trade have had a profound influence on the trend of sales and consumption habits. "" We are in the era of discounts every 'year of Mid-season sales to Black Friday but increasingly virtual; we start from an initial price, at which no consumer will buy, and then trigger a sort of downward supply offer throughout the year . – concludes Gronchi In doing so, the true meaning of balances, promotional and extraordinary sales is lost in value; or the different times of the year when the rebates were perceived by consumers as something real and concrete. And that's precisely why we need to review legislation that regulates end-of-season sales; it is necessary to open a discussion on the nature and modality of promotional sales: tighter controls and greater transparency in relations with the end user are among the most felt needs. The limited time, clarity and transparency of implementation methods are the starting points from which to begin a necessary evolution, which is in the interest of all: businesses and consumers.

Discounts up to 70% in many shops on the first day of sales at I GIGLI.Visitors, coming from various places in Tuscany, were already online before the year before. opening of the shopping center at 9:00 am, looking for opportunities especially for shoes and clothes.In the 134 shops of the Center, you will find t-shirts for 1 euro, shoes and trousers for 7 euros, men's suits for 6 euros Even the jewels are on sale: a necklace with a stone pendant, reduced to 70%, you can buy it for 26 euros.

positive for Barberino Designer Outlet for the summer sales 2018: welcome to
Visitors to the Center arrived at a perfect time for shopping
with a hot but ventilated temperature. Opening early at 9 o'clock
130 stores of Barberino Designer Outlet led to
uninterrupted flow of visitors that has been steadily growing since
from 10 o'clock with parking spaces able, however, to accommodate such a number
relevant to people. For everyone the opportunity to enjoy
the first day of sales with discounted prices Outlet up to
at 50%, campaign
in which more than 50% of the Center's stores participated. " The
the first indications are comforting, explains the director of the Maria center
Chiara Bellomo. There are all conditions to confirm
positive result from previous years: however it will be necessary
wait for those first two sales weekends to confirm a trend
today, it is encouraging. "" The predictions were of an important departure, but the one we saw today exceeds our expectations . "From the Management of Valdichiana Outlet Village

the enthusiasm is the badysis of the presences of the first day of summer sales which recorded a + 10% compared to last year Public loyalty of Land of fashion from Foiano della Chiana ( Ar ), from Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Marche a large number of tourists was added, which, through internal investigations, are largely derived from Germany Belgium Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain and the United States Up to now, we are talking about traditional visitors to the Tuscany " casomai – adds Center Manager Riccardo Lucchetti but the novelty is constituted by the presence, in our center, of tourists coming from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Russia, Israel and India not counting the dozens of Egyptians from Cairo in those days the guests of Montepulciano who wanted to take advantage of the convenience of shopping big names at other discounted prices ". In brief Valdichiana Outlet Village increasingly international, consistent with the sharp increase of registered tourists in this corner of Tuscany. "If the first day of the summer sales – concludes Lucchetti – recorded a very large number of visitors, the hope is now that of the continuity of a positive trend also for the next days, also complicit the many events planned for Valdichiana Outlet Village from Valdichiana Live on Saturday, July 14, with the points of sale that will remain open until 23:30 ".

Writing of Nove of Florence

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