Summer sale 2018: here's what Codacons communicate to avoid scams but estimates are negative


  In all Italian regions, 2018 summer sales will start soon even if the estimates are negative. Here are some tips Codacons to avoid scams

I summer sale 2018 left yesterday in Sicily while today will be the tour of Basilicata. All other regions will have a starting date of July 7 or next Saturday. According to Il Codacons, however, this year there will be negative peaks, especially in the southern regions of Italy and a per capita expenditure of only 64 euros. Here, however, the tips to avoid scams .

Codacons, summer sales 2018: estimates

According to Codacons, this year the summer sales will fall by -5% compared to 2017 and this especially in the southern regions of the United States. Italy where there are also peaks of -15%. Those who will be the least affected by this decline will be department stores and fashion outlets in major cities thanks to the many foreign tourists on holiday in Italy for the summer.

Carlo Rienzi, who is the president of Codacons, explains that, according to his opinion, sales should be abolished because they have lost their value. In fact, families do not expect them as they used to. This is mostly thanks to ecommerce where you can find discounted items throughout the year. Also buy online you do not even have to leave the house because it only has one click and the selected article will arrive directly to the house.

Tips to Avoid Polishing Codacons

Despite negative estimates, the Codacons gives some tips for shopping for summer sales in 2018 to to avoid unpleasant surprises, here they are:

  • Codacons announces that properties for sale must be those of the season and not that of the warehouse. The advice is therefore to avoid making purchases in the stores where before the sale of the shelves were empty and then fill during this period,
  • still keep the receipt because the dealer will have to change the l & # 39; item on sale s & he is defective. If the change is not possible, however, you will be entitled to the return of money and to report the defect, the delay will be two months and not seven or eight days,
  • go to the store where you have the intention to buy a product and mark its price before the start of sales . In this way, it will be possible to check whether the discount really started, thus acquiring peace of mind,
  • be wary of discounts exceeding 50% because it is difficult for a trader to sell a product with a percentage of Discount as high: The item may therefore not be new or the old price may have been inflated so as to increase the discount percentage,
  • always check that there is the old price tag . Codacons advises against shopping in stores where it is not exposed because it is not possible to calculate the percentage of reduction applied and finally
  • in stores where the symbol of the card credit or ATM you can pay with these instruments without incurring additional charges .

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