supervised centers and rapid repatriations


The German government has concluded agreements with 14 countries for the swift return of migrants who attempt to enter Germany without the right to asylum. This was announced by the agency
of the German press "Dpa" after seeing an official document. The government chaired by Angela Merkel announced yesterday that she had reached an agreement with Spain and Greece for the return of migrants who had already applied for asylum in these countries . The German government is based on a tripartite Big Koalition composed of Cdu, Csu and the SPD Social Democrats led by Andrea Nahles.

The German Chancellor announced the agreements defined by Germany in an eight-page letter addressed to the leaders of the CSU and SPD, partner of his CDU in the coalition
of the government

An Answer "concrete" after the Brussels summit, with which Merkel hopes to repel the Minister of the Interior Csu Horst Seehofer who threatened to blow the government in recent weeks if, on 1 July, the Germany had not blocked the flow of secondary migrants . Merkel also wants to put asylum seekers, already registered in other EU countries, in "monitoring centers" where they will wait for the result of their application. Mission accomplished for the German Chancellor? We will see in the coming days

"The European agreement is not a carte blanche for the closure of borders"

The German government denies the interpretation of the agreement reached by the Council of the EU, offered by some members of the CSU, according to which the agreement would give carte blanche to proceed to the closing of the borders. "Unilateral measures to the detriment of other countries are not what the agreement means," said a government spokesman. On the other hand, a demand from different countries has emerged from the summit to introduce legal and administrative "internal" measures against secondary migration within the European Union. These measures include better monitoring of outgoing applications for mobility and residence of asylum seekers in countries on the external borders of the Union.

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