Swiss precision? Two Italian workers die on a construction site in Canton Ticino


Two other deaths at work, this time in Switzerland, in Camorino, Canton Ticino. Today, just before 1:30 pm on the A2 site, there has been a serious accident at work when installing some acoustic screens. The cantonal police announced it. Two workers were looking at a wooden formwork 10 meters wide and 2.5 meters high, and for reasons that the police investigation must establish, the structure fell by striking the two workers, an Italian citizen of 36 years living on the Riviera and a 25 year old man. Italian citizen, staying in the Bellinzona area. Despite attempts at resuscitation, they died because of the serious injuries reported. On the spot, there were agents of the cantonal police, the rescuers of the Green Cross of Bellinzona and Rega. In order to provide psychological support, the intervention of the Ticino care team was requested. Giovanni D & Agata, president of the "Window of Rights", notes that two other Italians, forced to emigrate to find their fortune, have found their own end.

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