Tajani and the EU spend a billion for Libya and Niger – More news – ANSA Europe


All new funds to be allocated at EU level for Africa, "will have to be spent on Libya and Niger" to help them manage migration flows. This is what the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, returning from his trip to Libya, said about the additional 500 million allocated to the European Trust Fund for Africa, to which should be added a similar figure with the mobilization of national funds. [19659002]

" I think we need to make a real blacklist of the big criminals who organize the trafficking of women and men so that all the police and anti-criminal organizations of Africa and Europe can cooperate with common goals ".

The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, said this at the end of the meeting in Tripoli with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al Sarraj. "As long as we do not permanently disrupt these criminal organizations, it will be very difficult to solve the problem of illegal immigration," he added. In opening his visit, Tajani stressed that "the stability of Europe pbades from the stability of Libya.

The European Union must speak with one voice and all our efforts must aim to support the reconstruction of Libya, a state that becomes our strong partner The European Parliament stands by the Libyan people who deserve peace, stability, democracy and prosperity. "

The program of the visit of the President of the EP foresees meetings, as well as with Sarraj, with the president of the High Council of State, Khaled al Meshri and with the president of the High National Electoral Commission, Emad al-Sayeh, with the latter Tajani discussing concrete support that Parliament can offer, also through the organization of a conference open to all stakeholders interested in contributing to the organization of democratic elections in Libya

& # 39; & # 39; Today, I am in Libya to discuss the role of the European Parliament he can play in favor of the country's stabilization process and support the organization and development of democratic elections in the future . The European Parliament is ready to make its contribution by offering support for democratic transition and parliamentary cooperation, "said Tajani

Stability in Libya means stability in Europe In Tripoli today, to convey the message of the European Parliament: we support the Libyan people, who deserve peace, democracy and prosperity, here is the program of my visit: https://t.co/DiMJe0ep5E pic.twitter. com / YWNZoVrnRz

– Antonio Tajani (@EP_President) 9 July 2018

Migration flows and the situation of migrants will be discussed with the UN Deputy Special Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria do Valle Ribeiro, and with the staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) operating in the country.

The President will also conduct an inspection at the Tripo Naval Base during which he will be able to observe coastal surveillance and sea-defense activities also carried out through training programs financed by the Union. European.

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