Tale steals from Trump, to act as mediator


  Trump account meeting of the White House

Giuseppe Conte the "mediator". The Prime Minister is preparing for the meeting with US President Donald Trump in the role that he has already won among his own in the difficult balance of the M5s-Lega government. A first mediator, in this case, in relations between the United States and Europe. Conte, indeed, reports in Washington on the role of Italy as a key player in strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between the United States and the EU, to which the US President does not did not seem to particularly appreciate. The count, however, arrives in the capital with the satisfaction of the agreement reached between Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, on the issue of trade; Understanding that, according to what happens of Palazzo Chigi, now it must be concretized

Tale will be accepted by Trump at the White House at 12 (local time, in Italy he will be 18 years old) and after the signing of the Book of However, in Roosevelt Hall, the two presidents will move to the Oval Office for a face-to-face meeting at the end of which will be followed by the enlarged bilateral to the respective delegations and to 14 (local time) of the joint press conference.

  Trump Count White House Meeting


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At the meeting, the Italian Prime Minister will reiterate the solidity and the centrality of the bilateral relations with the United States but the subjects on the table will be numerous and significant: the economic and commercial relations between Italy and the United States also with a view to strengthening the industrial cooperation; the question of homework, but also immigration, the stabilization of Libya and the Mediterranean, the fight against terrorism.In short, the aim is to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two countries to international security and stability in major theaters – such as the Mediterranean, Iraq and Afghanistan – but also in view of the economic growth of the focus will not be put on relations with Russia, considered both by the United States and Italy as an "indispensable actor" for the solution of the main international crises, even if the Prime Minister must use his diplomacy possibility of revocation of sanctions, "Sensitive" and potentially divided. Another theme will be the future of NATO, after Italy, by the voice of the same Tale confirmed the strategic nature of the Atlantic Alliance, while Trump also in the latest turbulent the summit hit the guilty allies in his view to financially support the Western defensive structure properly.

Two populists meet

Between Conte and Trump – wire leading the populism that a few days ago the Italian prime minister He claimed to have in government "or rather, I am the expression" , he said – a song was immediately taken on June 9 at the G7 in Charlevoix, Canada. On this occasion, Trump defined Conte as "a great person", applauding the M5s-Lega executive and defining the prime minister as "the real winner of the polls". Will do a great job, the Italians did well. "

  Trump account meeting of the White House

Yoshikazu Okunishi / Yomiuri / The Yomiuri Shimbun

Giuseppe Conte with Donald Trump at the G7 in Canada

From there the announcement of the imminent invitation to the White House, which became reality less than two months later, while the President of the Council, after shaking hands and smiles, and a so-called "cordial" meeting with the US President, on the same occasion as for the United States it is a strategic alliance for Italy but that – the Earl's textual words early June – "maintain good relations with the United States and enter into conflict with the European partners is a fear that we can put aside "Certainly the feeling between the two can help in comparison on the many issues, even tricky, to deal with.

The count will stay in Washington only tomorrow, after the bilateral meeting with Trump and the elar meeting I, and subsequently the joint press conference, the President of the Council will go to the Embbady of Italy to greet the staff. Then return to Rome to the "hot" files that are waiting on the government table.

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