Tap pipeline, Mattarella Azerbaijan reassures: "We are going in due course"


The TAP (Trans-Adriatic Pipeline) and you will have to respect the schedule of entry into service: be operational by 2020. In addition, because in 2019 are due three contracts of 39, the most important Italian energy, those with Russia, Libya and Algeria. This was confirmed by Azerbaijan President Sergio Mattarella and Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero after a series of talks with the Azerbaijani authorities who have already invested heavily in the project of the "Southern gas corridor" and especially the struggle to understand part of the Italian faltering policy on the completion of the last part of the pipeline. This is precisely what the Balkans should bring to the Italian homes.

"The strategic choice of the Southeast Gas Corridor shared by Italy and Tap, which is part of this corridor is the natural completion of this choice," badured Mattarella President Aliyev of the 39, ;Azerbaijan. For the government told Foreign Minister Moavero that guaranteed the new government's intention to proceed yellow-green, but with "transparency".

Which means that he will be relaunched by the Ministry of Development talks with the inhabitants of the Meledugno region in Puglia (end point of the pipeline) who for years harshly criticize the choice of the place and the reason for it. to be even of the project that they consider as useless and born old. E "instead of just Moavero to revive the absolute necessity of work" is a way to diversify the dependence of suppliers.

For the Government of Labor is also important because the gas is cleaner than oil and coal. So Italian participation in the project is maintained, "confirmed the minister. In fact, it is natural gas and years of experience has shown that the incidence of failures or breaks is zero. Certainly, the speech is valid geopolitical that allows the government to diversify a rare commodity in Italy. The southern pipeline would provide a safer supply through a route less exposed to Russian tensions.

The faucet would be the end of an already nearly completed project that begins in Azerbaijan (first today's gas supplier in Italy) and crosses Georgia, Turkey, Greece and Albania, then dive into the Adriatic Apulia. Add to that, as confirmed by sources involved in the record, that a year must re-examine energy contracts with Russia, Algeria and Libya, it is easy to understand that the implementation of the tap would give bargaining power in Italy.

remains standing up against the citizens of the region and some concern among environmentalists and five stars. But Moavero ensures that a solution will be found through the dialogue, "the concerns of local people on the environmental impact of the project will be borne by the government. We will launch a transparent and non-cosmetic dialogue, "says the minister. Today, Azerbaijan has declared already invested more than 40 billion dollars for the southern gas corridor; the faucet, which is the part of the pipeline that will bring Azeri gas to Italy, at a cost of 4.5 billion euros [19659004] Arguments :.

pipeline tap
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