Tav and security, tensions M5S-Lega Salvini: if I was governing myself …


A hypothesis for absurd, of course, but at the same time, two weight characters of Lega and M5S do it at the same time. Matteo Salvini said: If I ruled alone, I could do a lot of things quickly. Understood, the movement slows me down. A few hours later, here is the Minister M5S Alfonso Bonafede: If we had been only in the government, there would have been no fiscal peace. Understood, we are forced to accept many compromises. The harsh reality of the figures, however, brought them closer to the government, and then the daily effort of the alliance involves long and exhausting mediations and not some iron weapons.

The security decree, for example. There is a group of dissidents who go wrong and who threatens to become more full-bodiedin the event of a secret ballot when he arrives in the room on Monday. The trust is badessed, but it would be a problem for Luigi Di Maio, which aims to avoid dramatization: no expulsion is planned. In the M5S, there is a line and a program. It has always happened that there are different positions before and after the vote. The ranks are tight. The famous tortoise, challenged by Matteo Mantero: The Roman Empire did not collapse because of a legionnaire's march, but because the soldiers were replaced by mercenaries. The question of the dissident is clear: are we men (and free deputies) or mercenaries? The answer, hoping Gregorio De Falco, will be positive if confidence is not put.

But not the only open front. If Salvini was irritated by Bonafede's blessing on the statute of limitations, he immediately ended a rescue of the Rays and anti-holes funds, at the request of Minister Danilo Toninelli. The 180 million euros remained outside the maneuver, despite Salvini 's promise to help Rome.

Yesterday in the House organized the confrontation on what the Democratic Party defines the amnesty Di Maio in Ischia. And it hurts the stomach even in the Northern League, not really convinced. But the front that may reignite that of great works. After the s to the tap, the fatigue digested by the belly of the Movement, the war against the Tav Di Maio, sniffing the air of revolt, try to revive and announce that the money saved by the works of great speed will be reinvested in the region for the Turin metro or in the new mobility systems. The leader of the group in the House of Leagues, Riccardo Molinari, does not agree. Explain that it is true that the cost-benefit evaluation of Turin-Lyon is expected, but that the fact that the work must be carried out should not be questioned. Just what the 5 stars are scrambling to question for weeks.

Meanwhile, tensions between the Movement and Treasury officials continue. returned to the viewfinder, after an article from Daily fact, MEF chief of staff, Roberto Garofoli, accused of conflict of interest with the Red Cross. There are rumors about his resignation, especially because Francesco Silvestri (M5S) has openly asked him to leave. But he responds by announcing complaints.

October 31, 2018 (change October 31, 2018 to 22:37)


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