Toninelli: hostile act signing the labor market

  Tav, at risk, contracts for $ 5 billion after the last turnaround of the minister

The Le Facebook post Minister of Infrastructure Danilo Toninelli jeopardizes 5.2 billion euros worth of work for the Torino Tavern-Lyon. Construction sites that Telt is ready to start by 2019 and that would remain at stake if the government transformed the minister's social expressions into a binding act. "Nobody should venture to sign anything for the progress of work, we would consider it a hostile act," wrote yesterday on Facebook the pentastellato responsible for yellow-green government infrastructure. One way to correct the shooting after the statements of the previous day in which Toninelli had defined the Tav as "a work to improve" and which had sparked a lot of controversy in the base of five stars in Piedmont, still engaged in the fight No Tav.
Inversion, of course, looks more like a hot spot to calm his souls as an act with some value. Telt, the Italian-French binational company that manages the contracts of Turin-Lyon, a work born as a result of two program agreements, an international treaty approved by the parliaments of Rome and Paris and a commitment to the Union which has so far allocated 813 million euros, and who could ask them if the two countries have not honored the pacts.

  Tav, at risk contracts for $ 5 billion after the last adjustment of Minister

Minister Toninelli

the judgment would therefore serve at least an agreement with France. The latest update on the state of work talks of 81 offers to be awarded by the end of 2019 for a total of 5.5 billion. So far, 24 have already been selected and companies are already working for a total amount of 240 million euros. Seven are closing – and would be blocked if the government officially stopped work – and another 50 would not even leave. In other words, between the Italians and the French, 5.2 billion yards would be frozen, by clicking on social networks. "Minister Toninelli's social statements once again prove, if need be, the urgency of a meeting with me," said Tav government commissioner Paolo Foietta. And while the stars of No Tav and Torino celebrate, PD Davide Gariglio's MP speaks of "statements that leave no words". If the minister really found a real mess, a corrupt connivance and offers pilots, he explained. in the appropriate offices, that is to say in the prosecutor's office, otherwise the crime is omitted. "Even the parliamentarians of Forza Italia Osvaldo Napoli and Daniela Ruffino attack Toninelli:" Those of the minister are idiots who must play several roles in the comedy. "

Minister of Infrastructure