Tav, the call of Di Maio: "I want to meet the representatives of the Turin event"


"Today, I met Chiara Appendino and we talked about the Tav.In the coming days with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Minister Danilo Toninelli and other government representatives of the change, we wish to meet the representatives of the Turin event, for them as for all citizens, the doors of the institutions are open to a constructive dialogue ". Thus, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio wrote on Facebook: "There, he talks about it in a movement born on the spot, but it's been years that the old governments have never heard. always open, "he added.

The President of the House and party partner Roberto Fico echoed: "It is absolutely right to meet Yes Tav, when we organized the events of No Tav we wanted to be summoned by the mayor, the government and the ministers make a big demonstration and it's okay. "Even if my thought remains that the Tav is an obsolete work, and it should not be done.

This is the result of today 's meeting with the mayor, flew to Rome to confront Di Maio and decide what to do after the full square of 40 thousand Yes Tav in Turin. A square that the vicepremier himself did not expect. After a Sunday spent at home, without official commitment, Chiara Appendino (she also gave up a chocolate from Cioccolatò, the confectionery fair whose return was much spent), reflected on the way to react and the measures to take especially not to break with the business world, this is what Di Maio addresses now with his invitation to dialogue

In the morning, the mayor had written to the organizers of the Saturday demonstration, Yes Tav, to invite them to the municipality. "In light of the demands emanating from the Saturday 10 November protest and references to the work of the Turin administration – wrote Appendino – I would like to invite you to a first meeting on 16 November at the Palace of the citizenship". Immediately the response of the 7 "madamin" who filled Piazza Castello: "We thank the invitation but before Appendino, we want to meet the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella". An answer that the mayor did not understand: "The organizers of the manifestation of the 7 Yes – Appendino writes on Twitter – immediately respond with a no to a meeting proposal, which is a bad sign of closure, but my door is always open. " Now, the Appendino offer is overtaken by that of Di Maio and Fico.

The faces of people cheering the Tav

Appendino is not the first time looking for a bank in Di Maio: he had already done so with the Olympics, after his advisers said no to the nomination for the 2026 Games. The beginning of the end of these two months of jokes and rebels, letters and records between Rome and Turin that ultimately led to the candidacy of Milan and Cottino and to the humiliation of Turin. One of the reasons why the Turinese disappointed Saturday, a lot with five-circle flags.

However, Appendino must always consult, after consulting the leader of the Movement, even his majority in the municipality which, on the point, does not seem available to give signals on the high-speed train. "The position on the Tav is the one for which we voted in the council and that remains," they say. Today, we will see what will happen at the municipal council. The oppositions, from the Democratic Party to the League, will present several documents in favor of Tav, according to Saturday's demonstration. The aim is to relaunch the discussion in clbad, where Turin-Lyon will probably become one of the main themes, even if, in the end, the city is not competent in this respect.

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