Taxes waste, how much the Italians pay: huge differences between North and South. And while production decreases, the Tari increases


from 153 euros that citizens pay in the province of Belluno at 571 whoever lives in Trapani. This is what the Italians pay for dry, the tax of waste. The annual badysis that Prices and prices of the observatory of Cittadinanzattiva it does on the costs incurred for the disposition in the regions and in all the provincial capitals, enormous territorial differences. In 2018 the amounts of the tax on waste on average 302 eurosbut between the cheapest and the most expensive, there is a difference of more 120% and between the cheapest and the most expensive, even more than 270%.

"Once again ours investigation returns a picture of a country with marked territorial differences in terms of waste generation, separate collection and costs borne by citizens, "comments Antonio Gaudioso, secretary general of Cittadinanzattiva. Data, among others, confirm those ofIstat survey According to Gaudioso, according to 70% of Italian households, waste for waste collection is considered to be greater than 80%. southern regions and the He is".

IN CAMPANIA A TRUE SALASS – The badysis is based on the 2018 a typical family made up of three people and a house of 100 square meters. The tsouth tyrol rentino the region is confirmed cheaper, with a medium tax of waste 188 euros, the Campania the most expensive with 422 euros per year, followed by the first ten places: Sicily (399 euros), Apulia (373), Sardinia (353), Lazio (332), Liguria (323), Tuscany (322), Abruzzo (320), Umbria (301) and Calabria ( 296). Then there is Valle d'Aosta (281), Piedmont (279), Emilia-Romagna (278), Basilicata (269), Marche (238), Veneto (236), Lombardy (236), Friuli (221) and Molise (219). ) and Trentino Alto Adige (188). By badyzing tariffs at the regional level, we highlight a increase in 10 regions, with the Basilicata which recorded the highest increase (+ 13.5% in the city of Matera) and a decrease in six regions, particularly in Molise (-4.9%) and in Trentino Alto Adige (-4.5%). In terms of geographical areas, waste costs less North (on average 256 euros), follow the center (301 euros), finally the South (357 euros).

THE MOST CONSTANT CITIES IN ITALY – Compare different provincial capitals, Bellunoeven with a slight increase, the cheapest city is confirmed (153 euros per year), while Trapaniwho records a increase the 49% compared to last year, the most expensive primacy is worth € 571. Followed by Cagliari (514), Salerno (468), Trani (461), Benevento (460), Reggio Calabria (456), Naples (446), Syracuse (442), Catania (435), Ragusa (427). It is obvious that the ten most expensive cities, with an annual expenditure higher than 400 euros, are south, while in the top 10 least expensive there are only two cities in the south, that is to say Vibo Valentia and Isernia.

AN ITALIAN PARADOX – According to the report Urban waste 2017 dell & # 39;Ispra (Italian Institute for the Protection of the Environment and Research) in Italy in 2016 were produced 30.1 million tons urban waste with an increase of 2% compared to the previous year. The region that produces more urban waste per capita is theEmilia Romagna (653 kilograms per year) while the lowest is the Basilicata (354). The majority of urban waste in Italy is produced in the north (47%), followed by the south with 31% and finally by the center (22%). despite decrease waste, the garbage tax in our country it's always more salty. Last July, the portal of Confcommercio dedicated to the badysis of data on the waste tax was inaugurated with a report according to which the inefficiency of local administrations (On average, 62% of municipalities in the provincial capital cost more than their needs) costs citizens and businesses one billion a year. The cause is the failure of the realization of goals Community recovery rate (we are 52% against 65% fixed to European level). The consequence? Despite a significant reduction in waste, the tax is still upper: in 2017, globally, a 9.3 billion euros with an increase of more 70% in the last 7 years. For service sector companies, there are also cost differences in the same economic category, on equal terms and in the same province. Thus, a hotel with restaurant pays 4,210 euros a year – according to calculations of Confcommercio – it's located in San Cesario (LE) paying 7,770 euros to Lecce.

THE NEEDS OF THE TERRITORIES – "At a time when we talk a lot about sustainable development and the promotion of the circular economy to contain the waste – commented the general secretary of Cittadinanzattiva – it is essential for us to promote the civil society conscious behaviors and responsible for citizenship. It is also essential that the subjects who organize and manage the local collection servicesthey do it very responsively needs of the territory ".

THE DIFFERENTIATED COLLECTION – Just to start, which one? motivation to better participation in separate collection of waste, "Italian families need more information on how separate waste, the most efficient recyclable and compostable waste collection centers and more numerous, deductions and fiscal advantages o tariffs for those who regularly perform the differentiation. "Moreover, because, precisely in terms of differentiation, there is no shortage of positive data. In 2016 (latest year available), according to data from Ispra, we arrived at the national level at 52.5% (+ 5% compared to 2015), while a quarter of the waste ends up in a landfill. The differentiated increases in all regions: the most virtuous are Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige with more than 70%, Lombardy and Friuli Venezia Giulia with just under 70%. The most remote areas are the Sicilia, the only one not to reach the 20% threshold, and the Molise (28%). In Calabria and Basilicata, on the other hand, the percentage of separate collections increased by more than 8%.

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