teachers and companions in tears after his speech


"The tears of the teacher are the tears of our whole school We are proud of you Francesco, we will miss you, May you always live in a colored world". Thus, attaching this special vow, the director of the Bachelet-Majorana Institute of Santa Maria a Vico in the province of Caserta shared the video of the speech of Registration by Francesco, an autistic boy. A moment that excited everyone here, especially support teacher Michele Vozzella who was finally unable to hold back her tears. The mother, who shot the video, is also very excited.

"Please see all the video, I would suggest the final letter of our sample as a manifesto of autism! PS I allowed myself to share the video because," audio, the mother wants to go around the world, to help the cause of special children like Francesco! ", said the director in the post on Facebook.

Video of the Facebook page" Istituto Superiore Majorana Bachelet "